Minutes - 24 February 2022

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Meeting
held in Sedgebrook Social Club at 7.00 pm on Thursday 24 February 2022

Present: The Chair C Wood, The Vice Chair G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby, Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer), County Councillor Mark Whittington and one member of the public.

1 Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting on this day that the world had changed with Russia invading Ukraine – he expressed his thanks that the Parish Council is the keystone to democracy. He gave thanks to the Parish Councillors and Clerk for continuing to work on behalf of the Parish Council.

2 Apologies for absence and reasons given - apologies were received from District Councillor Pamela Bosworth.

3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011 - no Declarations of Interests were received.

4 Notes of the last meeting held on 13 January 2022

The notes of the last meeting, held on 13 January 2022, were approved as being a true record, and signed by the Chairman.

5 Correspondence

5.1 Letter to HSBC requesting transfer of £12000 ring-fenced funds to the Money Manager Account with HSBC. This was followed by an acknowledgement of the transfer from HSBC.

5.2 A letter of congratulations to the new Deputy Mayor of Grantham, Cllr Mark Whittington.

5.3 SKDC send January’s Monthly Update report for the Electoral Register.

5.4 The National Highways sent a notification of essential safety maintenance works on the A52 between the M1 Junction 25 and A1 Barrowby – work starting on the 31 January 2022 and completes in March 2022.

5.5 SKDC – Listed Planning Consent – No 22/0142 Church Farm, Village Street – External Works – replacement of cement render with lime, replace of uPVC rainwater and waste goods and the replacement of external doors and windows. The Parish Councillors had no objections to the Listed Planning Consent application and SKDC were informed accordingly.

5.6 Details of proposals to deliver green energy within the grounds of Belvoir Estate were sent as we were a neighbouring parish. A number of points were raised including the effects the development would have – residents of Sedgebrook would not see the solar farm but if you went on Woolsthorpe Road to Stenwith, it would be visible. How will it be built? The project could take many months. How will deliveries be made to the site and the times of deliveries? Concern was made about the loss of farming land and issues with wildlife. The developers will be providing recreation facilities, what about visitor parking? The flood risk with the solar panels – water drips down forming a rut in the ground of the panel causing erosion of the soil which causes difficulty in restoring farmland after the solar farm is finished in 40 years. How do you control what is built and the facilities which remain afterwards? It was unanimously agreed to take up the offer of a Zoom Meeting with the developer to obtain some answers on behalf of the parish.
Clerk Action: to arrange a Zoom Meeting with the representative from the developers.

5.7 LALC sent details of LALC’s new training structure with a schedule of fees for the year April 22 to March 2023.

5.8 LALC’s annual subscription invoice for £142.14 (2022-2023) was also received.

5.9 Allington News for February/March 2022 had been received.

5.10 SKDC sent a Remittance Advice for the £739.00 SK Community Fund which was the balance owed to the Parish Council on completion of the Fencing Project for the Recreation Field.5.11 Time Assured Ltd sent their invoice for £138 for the annual servicing of the memorial church clock.

5.12 A firm in Northamptonshire is looking to extend their area to South Kesteven for grass cutting contracts.
Clerk Action: to contact Ben Emery of Emery Grounds and Garden Maintenance when the grass cutting contract is due to be renewed.
The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated by email since the 13 January 2022.

6 Public Forum

6.1 Item 9, 9.1, 9.2 – a parishioner had thoroughly researched the history of The Green and had listed possible ideas for the development of the Village Green as a village heritage/information site. She had looked at prices for a replacement mature UK grown native tree. Details were supplied for an interpretation board which could be placed near to the phone box. If the artwork for the board is done “in house”, this would reduce the cost of the board. For the board alone, depending on the type of construction, the price ranges from £549 to £850. Advice/information had been obtained from Woodland Trust and Manor Farm Tree Services for the most suitable tree for The Green and a hornbeam tree looks like an ideal replacement. Majestic Trees would supply a 20-foot tree (which would give an immediate effect) for £2000. With planting the tree, installing paving around the flagpole and the information board you would need to apply for a grant of approximately £7500.
Chairman Action: to organise a letter of consultation detailing the proposals for The Green to be circulated to the parishioners for their opinions.

6.2 Item 10 – 2022 is Jubilee Year for Whattons Close Church Lane/Abbey Lane houses – a tree to be planted on Whattons Close Green by SKDC - the County Councillor (in his new position as Councillor on SKDC’s Cabinet with responsibility for trees and waste) will be having a meeting with The Woodland Trust. The Councillor will be discussing trees in general, and he will be making suggestions to showcase the local area. SK are planting trees of natural species with 750 thousand trees/bushes one for every person in Lincolnshire.
County Councillor Action: to see if a tree can be planted in Whattons Close.

6.3 The County Councillor was informed no flooding had occurred underneath the railway bridge on during the recent heavy rainfalls. The County Councillor enquired if there was any properties which had internal flooding, there was a £5000 relief which could be obtained.
Clerk Action: to email details of the funding to a parishioner who may have had internal flooding.

7 Highways

7.1 General discussion – nothing further to discuss.

7.2 Ward Walk with Area Highways Manager and County Councillor – update on arrangement – the Ward Walk would be held on the 22nd March at 9.30 am.
Clerk Action – to forward the list of items to bring up with Rowan Smith when the list has been finalised.

7.3 Corner of Village Street and Allington Road – two large concrete impediments
Clerk Action: to add the issue to the list for the Ward Walk.

8 Recreation Field

8.1 Waste Bin at the Recreation Field – volunteers - it was noted one parishioner had volunteered to empty the waste bin – as more volunteers were required as cover for holidays etc it was unanimously agreed the waste bin would not be reinstated.
Clerk Action: to write explaining the position to the volunteer.

8.2 Play Equipment – update following inspection – to place on the next meeting’s agenda.

9 The Green and The Recreation Field

9.1 The Green – the horse chestnut tree – suggested replacement – advice received – see item 6.1 (Public Forum)

9.2 Village Green – project on the phone kiosk, tree and flagpole - see item 6.1 (Public Forum)

9.3 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 – to discuss what funding is available – the Councillors had considered obtaining funding from the Lincolnshire Co-op – further members of the Lincolnshire Co-op were required to apply for the grant and any grant applications would have to be voted upon at a meeting of the Co-op.
Vice Chair Action: to look at alternative providers.

9.4 The Planters on The Green – to discuss – it was unanimously agreed to plant red, white and blue flowers in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee as suggested by Cllr Denton. Cllr Denton has sourced some bricks which will enable the planters to be uplifted off the ground.
Cllr Action: Cllr Denton to plant up the planters with red, white and blue flowers.

10 2022 is Jubilee Year for Whattons Close, Church Lane/Abbey Lane houses – tree to be planted on Whattons Close Green by SKDC? See item 6.2 (Public Forum).

11 Community Speed Watch

11.1 30 mph speed signs – to discuss cost of replacement signs – In consultation with the Co-ordinator of the Community Speed Watch the Parish Councillors decided that the 30 mph speed signs needed taking down. If the Community Speed Watch Group feel that replacement signs are required in the future, they were requested to contact the Parish Council who will purchase new signs – the cost is £10 per sign and six will be required.
Vice Chair Action: To request the Co-ordinator of the Community Speed Watch to take down the signs.
The Chair also thanked the Community Speed Watch Group for all that they are doing for the village.

12 Review of Policies etc

12.1 Standing Orders – to review and adopt – following the amendment of the wording on page 4 of the document to “A person shall raise his hand when requesting to speak and can continue to stay seated while speaking” to keep to the Model Standing Orders, the Parish Council unanimously agreed to adopt the Standing Orders.

12.2 Risk Assessment – to review and adopt – the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt the Risk Assessment, following a review of the document.

12.3 Financial Regulations – to review and adopt – several items had been brought up which require further investigation before the Financial Regulations could be adopted.
Clerk & Councillor Action: The Clerk to liaise with Cllr Denton regarding items numbered 2.2 and 5.6 which need to be complied with.

12.4 Asset Register – to review – The Clerk had added the Planters and the new fencing to the Asset Register. The flagpole has not been added as the Clerk has not been able to find out the details when the flagpole had been erected and the cost.
Clerk Action: to make further investigations.

12.5 Child Protection Policy – to review and adopt – the telephone numbers on the policy were updated and the Parish Councillors unanimously adopted the policy.

12.6 Equality and Diversity Policy – to review and adopt – the design of the policy had been changed – the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt the policy.

12.7 General Privacy Notice – GDPR – to Review – it was noted that there are two copies of the notice on the website – the Clerk had checked the telephone number of the Information Commissioners Office – the Parish Councillors had unanimously agreed to adopt the policy.

12.8 Media Policy – to review and adopt – the format of the policy had been updated – the Parish Council unanimously agreed to adopt the policy.

12.9 Code of Conduct – to review and adopt – there was nothing updated and the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt the Code of Conduct.

12.10 Accessibility Statement – to review – the Parish Councillors reviewed the statement and unanimously agreed that it was “fit for purpose”.

12.11 Records Retention Policy – to review and adopt – following a review of the policy, the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt the policy.

13 Annual Parish Meeting – 12 May 2022 - format/invitations to discuss – following discussion, it was unanimously agreed to invite Cllr Kelham Cooke, the Leader of South Kesteven District Council, Dr Caroline Johnson MP, Richard Davies, Executive Councillor for Highways, the County and District Councillors together with the local organisations.
Clerk Action: to organise letters of invitations as soon as possible.

14 Finance (The Clerk)

14.1 Verification of Bank Statements/Reconciliations
The details of income and outgoings since the last meeting’s report as per the bank statements dated the 5 February 2022 are as follows:-

The verification of the Bank Statements and Bank Reconciliations were completed by Cllr Jane Denton at the meeting up to the 5 February 2022.

14.2 Discuss 3-year Budget - It was agreed to put this item on the next meeting’s agenda.
Clerk Action: to add the item to the agenda.

14.3 Internal Audit for Year Ending 31 March 2022 – the Clerk was waiting to hear from Terry Brown who completed the Audit for the last Year End.
Clerk Action: to email a reminder.

14.4 Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community Cleaner up to the 31 March 2022

14.5 Payment – Parish Clerk – it was resolved to pay the Clerk her basic payment to 31 January 2022.

14.6 Payment – LALC – Annual Training Scheme – 2022 – 2023 – it was unanimously agreed to arrange payment of £114 at the beginning of April.

14.7 Payment – LALC – Annual Subscription Fee – 2022 – 2023 – the Parish Councillors unanimously resolved to pay £142.14 being the subscription fee. This to be paid at the beginning of April.

14.8 Payment – Manor Farm Tree Services – for the work on the trees in the Recreation Field – it was resolved to pay £800. The payment had been sent.

14.9 Payment – Time Assured Ltd – for the annual servicing of the church clock – it was resolved to pay £138.00 and a cheque was organised.

15 Items for the next meeting?

15.1 To add “National Lottery Awards for All Programmes” to the next meeting’s agenda.

16 Date of the next meeting:

Thursday 7 April 2022

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25 pm.