Minutes - Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting held on 7 July 2022

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Meeting
held in Sedgebrook Social Club at 7.00 pm on Thursday 7 July 2022

Present: The Chair C Wood, The Vice Chair G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer)

1 Vice Chair’s Remarks – the Vice Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2 Apologies for absence and reasons given – apologies were received from County Councillor Mark Whittington.

3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.  

There were no Disclosable Pecuniary Interests declared.
4  Notes of the last meeting held on 19 May 2022
The notes of the last meeting, held on 19 May 2022, were approved as being a true record, and signed by the Vice Chair.

5   Correspondence
5.1 A letter and invoice had been received from Mrs Hensby who had created the artist’s impression of the future of The Green.
5.2 A letter had been sent to HSBC to transfer £3000 to the deposit account.
5.3 SKDC had sent Monthly Update reports for the Electoral Register.  
At this point of the meeting the Chairman arrived.  He apologised for his lateness and took over the meeting from the Vice Chair.
5.4 A remittance advice had been received from SKDC for the Community Cleaner Grant of £463.32.
5.5 SKDC sent a Listed Building Consent document for application no: S22/0142 for Chestnut Farm Village Street – the consent was granted subject to conditions.  This relates to external works; replacement of cement render with lime, replace of uPVC rainwater and waste goods and the replacement of external doors and windows.
5.6 SKDC have also granted planning permission subject to conditions for planning application No: S22/0656 – two storey front and side extensions, single storey rear extension and material changes at 5 Whattons Close, Sedgebrook.
5.7 Allington News issue for June/July has been received.
5.8 Lincolnshire County Council sent proposals for Sewstern Lane, Allington and requested the Parish Council’s comments.
5.9 A parishioner had contacted the Clerk regarding the footpath from the Village Green behind Bowman’s Way to School Lane which had become impassable.  The Footpaths Officer had been contacted and was informed that the footpath was due to be cleared within 2 to 3 weeks.  The footpath has now been cleared.
5.10 The Office of Dr Caroline Johnson MP had sent over an email regarding the NHS’s 111 service.  They are waiting for further correspondence with information and infographics regarding the service at Grantham Hospital which will be forwarded to us following the concerns which were raised at the Annual Parish Meeting.  
5.11 PKF Littlejohn, the Auditors had sent an email giving Sedgebrook Parish Council notification of exempt status for 2022.
5.12 SKDC sent a Notification of Withdrawal of Planning Application No S22/0238 – Manor Farm, Allington Road – Operational development (demolition of part; replacement roof; replacement/new walls etc) and change of use of land (for use as car park) in connection with a permitted change of use (agricultural to a mixed business use – subject to prior approval application): ref S22/030.
5.13 SKDC had also sent a Notification of Withdrawal of Prior Approval Application regarding application No: S22/0430 – Manor Farm, Allington Road – Change of use of part of agricultural building to a flexible business use.
5.14 Dr Caroline Johnson MP had sent a copy of the 111 service information and signposting to Grantham Hospital.  
5.15 Andrew Savage, Senior Countryside Officer of LCC sent information on a study into the condition of Sewstern Lane.  Comments were requested by the 8 July.
5.16 Lincolnshire County Council sent a letter updating the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan – a consultation on the “issues and options” to run from the 28 June to the 12 August 2022.
5.17 A parishioner had sent an email with suggestions for a sheltered area in the Recreation Field.
Clerk Action: to email the parishioner that we will be adding the item to the next meeting’s agenda.
5.18 The parishioner asked if the road crossing to White House Farm Nursery could be made safer and to increase the visibility of cars to pedestrians.
Clerk Action: to email the parishioner informing him that it is a matter for Highways Department and to send the contact information.
5.19 The Parish Council had received a request for a donation towards the printing of The Saxonwell News.  
Clerk Action: to email to see how they are thinking of focusing more on Sedgebrook.

The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated by email and post since the 19 May 2022.

6 Public Forum - No items.

7  Highways  
7.1 General Update – it was noted that yellow markings had been made on both Allington Road and Woolsthorpe Lane which suggests some work should be happening in due course.
Clerk Action: to email the County Councillor thanking both Rowan and his workforce, together with Andy Savage, for all their work which has been completed in the village.
7.2 Sewstern Lane, Allington – proposals by Lincolnshire County Council – it was unanimously agreed to write to Andy Savage, saying that the Parish Council fully supports any action the County Council can take in preventing the use of the two sections of Sewstern Lane being used by unauthorised motorised vehicles including motorcycles.
7.3 Village Street – the drain still rattles when a car drives over – this has already been reported on Fix-my-Street and on the Ward Walk – the issue has now been rectified to the delight of Village Street residents.

8  Recreation Field
8.1 Playground Inspection – repairs – the Vice Chair had completed the Routine Inspection Training for the Playground equipment. She was thanked for attending the course by the Chairman.      
8.1.1 Trim Trail – Shackle broken – 5-year warranty – KOMPAN have ordered a shackle and will inform the Vice Chair of the delivery date. The Vice Chair’s husband will replace the broken shackle.
8.1.2 Wearing on EcoSmart Matting – 5-year warranty – KOMPAN – the contractors who had originally completed the work had gone bust.  Apparently the stanchions of the old matting should have been dug out at the back of the baby swing,  but the EcoSmart Matting had been put over it - the stanchion is slightly protruding which has caused a small hole in the matting.  The Vice Chair had contacted KOMPAN and their Head of Installations will be looking further into the matter.
8.2 Damage to picket fencing - Cllr Warby had reported that there had been some damage to the fencing.  The Vice Chair’s husband had been down to the Recreation Field and had repaired it.
8.3 Security Post – it was noted that the post cannot be locked.
Vice Chair Action: to see if the security post for £30 is still available for sale.
8.4 Cllr Denton reported a problem of dog waste specifically in the sheep field where dog owners were not picking it up and they should be keeping to the path.  There was also the same issue on the railway line track.
Cllr Denton Action: to circulate a letter to the parishioners.
8.5 Christmas Tree – a 4-foot Christmas Tree had been planted many years ago at the far end of the playing field.  It was unanimously agreed to let Abbey Farm dig up the tree so that they plant it in their wood, letting it grow on for a future Christmas tree for the village.
Cllr Denton Action: to inform Abbey Farm of the decision.

9  The Green
9.1 Village Green – project on the phone kiosk, tree and flagpole – update – the Vice Chair had received two quotations for a replacement tree – the Vice Chair had tried unsuccessfully to obtain a third quotation as the rest of the firms do not supply any hornbeam trees the size we require. The Vice Chair had received advice from Majestic Trees that the sweet chestnut tree will have to have its stump ground out suitably deep and the major roots to be removed so that the replacement hornbeam tree can be planted close by.  The cost would be approximately £4000 including delivery.  The tree cannot be cut down until September/October and it was agreed for the tree cut to be felled mid-October.  The new tree can be planted from mid-October/November and it was agreed to plant the new tree in November.
Clerk Action: to email Simpsons Arboriculture Ltd to find out if their quotation still stands and obtain confirmation the price includes the stump being ground out suitably deep and the major roots removed.  To also point out Western Power’s cable line goes through the tree canopy.
The trunk needs to be saved but it is unsure what can be done with it as there will be a hole going through the centre of it and we won’t know the position until it is felled.

With regards to the lectern, three quotations had been received and it was suggested that the choice for the best lectern be left to Elizabeth Carnell.  The Vice Chair had contacted a parishioner to complete the digital work required.  

The Vice Chair had requested quotations for the paving from nine companies but has only received two quotations.  She is seeing another contractor tomorrow morning.  The cost will be in the region of £5000.
An article was going into this week’s Grantham Journal.  Allington News had also been sent a press release.
Chairman Action: to send an update on the progress of the project to the parishioners via the Village Email.

9.2 Watering the planters on The Green
It was noted that the planters were looking superb, and the Parish Council were extremely grateful to the parishioner who donated the bricks for the planters to rest on.

Cllr Denton has been watering the planters with the Vice Chair helping when she was on holiday.  The Chairman was also happy to help with the watering and there are one or two other villagers too.
Cllr Denton Action: to organise a WhatsApp Group so that a rota for the watering can be arranged.

10  Review of Policies
10.1  Grant Awarding Policy and Procedure – to Review - the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed with the review and the policy was adopted.
Clerk Action: to update the document and upload the changes to the website’s copy.

10.2 Child and Vulnerable Adult Welfare and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures – 9 July 2021 – to  review – Safeguarding Officer to be appointed – the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to the review and the policy was adopted.  Chairman Clive Wood volunteered to be the Safeguarding Officer for this year.
Clerk Action: to put the annual appointment on the agenda for the next Annual Parish Council Meeting. To organise an Incident Report Form should the need arise.

10.3    Communications Policy dated 23 July 2021 – to review – the Parish Councillors unanimously accepted the review and adopted the policy.
Clerk Action: to update the document and upload the changes to the website.
10.4 Social Media Policy dated 23 July 2021 – the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed with the   review and adopted the policy.
Clerk Action: to update the policy and upload to the website.

11  Finance (The Clerk)
11.1 Details of the income and outgoings since the last meeting’s report as per the bank statements dated the 5 June 2022 were as follows:-


11.2 The verification of the Bank Statements and Bank Reconciliations were completed by Vice Chair Gillian Mahoney at the meeting up to the 5 June 2022.

11.3  The payments list was circulated, and the payments were unanimously approved and cheques signed by the Parish Councillors:-

11.4 Review HSBC Bank Account – move to online banking?    As the current system was working well, it was agreed to review it in 12 months time.

12 Items for the next meeting?
12.1 See 5.7 under Correspondence – to add a parishioner’s suggestion for a sheltered area to be erected in the Recreation Field
The Clerk requested that any items required to be put on the next meeting’s agenda are to be sent to the Clerk by the 24th August.
13 Date of the next meeting:  

Thursday 1 September 2022  

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9 pm.