Minutes - 13 January 2022

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Meeting

held in Sedgebrook Social Club at 7.00 pm on Thursday 13 January 2022


Present:           The Chair C Wood, The Vice Chair G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby, Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer), County Councillor Mark Whittington and one member of the public.


1    Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting which commenced at 7.07 pm - it was a sad occasion without one of our colleagues Cllr Neil McGreevy.  For the short time that Cllr McGreevy was a member of the Parish Council he had made a tremendous impact.  His loss to his family is huge as is his loss to the Parish and to the Parish Council.  The Vice Chair said that Neil had been proud to be on the Parish Council – he was down to earth and a very knowledgeable person – he had painted the flagpole and had voluntarily emptied the dog waste bin.


2   Apologies for absence and reasons given - apologies were received from District Councillor Pamela Bosworth.


3   To observe a minute’s silence in memory of Parish Councillor Neil McGreevy – a minute’s silence was held for the Parish Councillors to remember Neil.


4   To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.  

No Declarations of Interests were received.

5          Notes of the last meeting held on 2 December 2021

The notes of the last meeting, held on 2 December 2021, were approved as being a true record, and signed by the Chairman.

6        Correspondence

6.1       SKDC Planning Application No S21/1670 – Change of use of Units 2 and 4 room Office Use to Class  E Commercial Business and Service Uses (excluding creche/day nursery and industrial processes) – planning permission had been granted subject to conditions.

6.2      The completed precept application form had been sent to SKDC for the financial year 2022/23.

6.3      To the Community Cleaner detailing his wage increase.

6.4       SKDC sent a copy of the revised 2021/2022 Electoral Register which had been followed by a monthly  update report.

6.5       Letter was sent to the Chair of Sedgebrook Social Club regarding the blackboard.

6.6      The latest Allington News for December 2021/January 2022 had been received.

6.7      The Play Inspection Company had sent their Annual Inspection Report.

6.8      Letters had been sent to Dr Caroline Johnson MP and Kemi Badenoch MP regarding flexibility of local council meetings.  A reply had been received from Dr Caroline Johnson.  The County Councillor stated how difficult this had made meetings without having the ability of holding virtual meetings.

6.9      A flood prevention letter had been received from SKDC who offered sand and sandbags. There was no need to accept the offer as we already have a supply of sand and bags.

6.10    Planning Applications Nos S21/2133 (planning permission) and No 21/2134 (listed building consent) – replacement of existing vehicular gate with timber gates, erection of gate piers and additional section of dry-stone wall at Chestnut Farm Barn – the planning permission (S21/2133) and listed building consent (S21/2134) have been granted by SKDC, subject to conditions.

6.11    LIVES have requested support to keep their emergency responders on the road – see 12.4 (Finance)

6.12    SKDC Application No: S21/2439 – Erection of grain store – Woolsthorpe Lane – details not required – the development can proceed as notified.

6.13   A letter from the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP regarding Her Majesty The Queen's Patinum Jubilee.

The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated by email since the 2 December 2021.

7          Public Forum

7.1      Item 10.2 regarding the project of the Village Green was discussed.  The tree, phone kiosk, flagpole, post box and planters together with the temporary installation of the Christmas Tree, all need to be looked at together as a whole project.  It was thought that the rear wall of the inside of the phone kiosk could be used as an information/history board which would still allow the paintings by the children to be continually displayed.  The Parish Council will look for funding for a small, paved area as well as a replacement tree for the area to be a memorial to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Day.  A wooden sculpture/bench with something significant to Sedgebrook could be made out of the trunk of the sweet chestnut tree which requires replacing as it is at the end of its time. Cllr Denton had obtained details of a sculptor who had charged £800 for a sculpture of a trunk with two swans.   Following consultation to the villagers via the Village Email, the main suggestions were to replace the tree. Prior to this being completed, the Parish Council will seek advice on the soil and the best replacement variety.

Vice Chair Action: to obtain a name of an advisor from Woodland Trust.

Clerk Action: to contact Richard Copley regarding advice for the best replacement tree.

The County Councillor reported that SKDC were planting trees on their own land.  The County Council have signed up to planting 750 000 trees across Lincolnshire – one for each resident of the County.

County Councillor Action: to see what potentially could be done. 

The Parish Council would need to investigate the funding source.  SKDC Planning would be useful to contact regarding a landscaping proposal.

A museum in the phone kiosk had been suggested at the last meeting.  The Chairman had already raised this with the parishioner regarding an information board with some leaflet holders.  In 1845,  the village school was located on The Green with the schoolteacher’s home.  A “signpost” to the Church Museum was suggested.  The parishioner would look at ideas before our next meeting on the 24 February.

7.2      2022 is also Whattons Close, Church Lane/Abbey Lane’s Jubilee (the houses were put up in March  1972) and the parishioner had requested that a tree is planted to mark the occasion.

County Councillor Action: as the green in Whattons Close belongs to SKDC, the County Councillor would see if this could be done under their current tree planting.

Clerk Action: to put the item on the agenda of the next meeting.

7.3      The County Councillor gave his report – the pandemic was still causing problems with meetings.  A lot of the office staff are currently working from home.  Councils are now considering whether or not they will need the same number of buildings.  With regards to the Devolution White Paper nobody is aware what levelling up means  - the Council are waiting for Spring to see what is happening regarding devolution in different parts of the country.  There is the possibility of  replacing the Council and District Council with one unitary authority.  The precepts have not yet been set with the cost of everything increasing.  SK’s precept could go up by the maximum of £5 to 3½%, potentially the County Council could go up by 5% for £250/260M.  With an aging population in the county there is an increase cost in social care of £13M.  65% of the Council funding is spent on adult/children’s social care.  The cash received by the Government has been restricted over the past 10 years.  Roads have been impacted as £12M has been taken off the government’s highways maintenance funding – this would have repaired 24 000 potholes and replaced 40 miles of roads in the county.  The roads in Lincolnshire are getting worse and worse.  The Councils face a dilemma on how to balance the books and the local council is looking at selling buildings.

8          Highways  

8.1       General discussion – with the heavy rain we have had, it hasn’t caused any flooding problems underneath the railway bridge – if there are heavy spells of torrential rain and there are issues in the future, Highways can be approached to see what further action can be taken.  Highways have completed the work on the corner of Village Street/Allington Road junction.

8.1     Area Highways Manager – Parish Council’s request for Rowan Smith to attend a Parish Council Meeting – instead of attending a Parish Council Meeting to go over the main issues requiring attention in the village – it was agreed it would be much better to complete a Ward Walk with Rowan Smith and the County Councillor.

County Councillor Action: to speak with Rowan Smith to arrange a time - it will not be possible to arrange for two or three months as Rowan’s diary is full.

9          Recreation Field

9.1      Damage to the fencing surrounding the play equipment – the Parish Councillors were dismayed that the new fencing had already been damaged – the Vice Chair’s husband had pinned and glued the damaged fencing with a really good repair.  The Parish Council were pleased there has not been any further damage.

9.2      Waste Bin at the entrance to the Recreation Field – update on emptying – discussion ensued on the future of emptying of the waste bin or its removal.  Cllr Warby was currently emptying the bin twice a week on a temporary basis standing in for Cllr McGreevy.  It was agreed to remove the waste bin – this would be reinstalled if volunteers could be found.

Councillor Action: Cllr Warby to empty and remove the waste bin at the weekend.

Chair Action: to draft out a letter to be circulated around the Village Email explaining the position and will ask for volunteers to empty the bin twice a week on a rota basis.

9.3       Play Equipment – Annual Inspection – to discuss – there were a list of items which the report from Play Inspection Company highlighted ie, double padlock required on the double gate, rust on the main signpost, the main gate enclosing the play equipment is closing too quickly, there should be a 12 mm gap.  The football goalpost could be replaced although there is still a lifespan of 3 to 5 years.  There is some wear on the shackles on the Baby Swing and also on the bushes on the Basket Swing – the Parish Council were advised to monitor for further deterioration.  It was noted there was nothing in the report to be of a Very High Risk.

10        Tree Management – The Green and The Recreation Field – the work on the trees in the Recreation Field would commence on the 9 February 2022.

10.1     The Green – consultation of the parishioners regarding the horse chestnut tree – see item 7.1 (Public Forum).

10.2     Village Green – project on the phone kiosk, tree and flagpole – see item 7.1 (Public Forum).

11        Community Speed Watch

11.1     30 mph speed signs – possible replacement – to discuss – the Vice Chair reported that the Community Speed Watch signs were looking very faded.  It was suggested taking the signs down and in April/May putting up some new signs.

Vice Chair Action: to ask the co-ordinator of the Community Speed Watch to find out the cost, etc of replacing the signs.

12        Finance (The Clerk)

12.1.1   Verifiction of Bank Statements/Reconciliations

The Clerk read out the details of income and outgoings since the last meeting’s report as per the bank statements dated the 5 December 2021 and the 5 January 2022



The verification of the Bank Statements and Bank Reconciliations were completed by Cllr Jane Denton via post and at the meeting up to the 5 January 2022.

12.1.2 Quarter End Accounts as at the 31 December 2021 – the Clerk had circulated the quarterly account figures.  The Parish Council would need to go into the general reserves/contingency fund at the year end.   The final grant payment from SKDC for the picket fencing of £739 is due to be applied for.  A Vat refund of £1150 (as at the 5 January 2022) could be claimed following the year end of 31 March 2022. 

12.2     HSBC – to review possible move to online banking – following discussion, it was unanimously agreed not to move to online banking.  

12.3     HSBC Business Money Manager Account – further information had been obtained to discuss move of reserves/ring-fenced funds to a separate account – the Clerk had spoken to the Branch Manager of HSBC – the signatories for the current account will be the same for the Money Manager Account.  The interest rate is very low – 0.01% and there was no alternative account with a better interest rate.  It was unanimously agreed to move the £12000 ring-fenced funds to the Money Manager Account.

Clerk Action: to arrange the transfer of funds.

12.4     Donation request from LIVES – to discuss – following discussion it was unanimously agreed not to donate to LIVES due to the Parish Council’s finances - a donation of £100 to LIVES had been made in March 2021.

12.5     Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community Cleaner up to the 31 January 2022

12.6     Payment - Parish Clerk - it was resolved to pay the Clerk her basic payment to 31 December 2021.

12.7     Payment – the Parish Council resolved to pay HMRC for PAYE for quarter ending 31 December 2021.

12.8     Payment – The Play Inspection Company – the Parish Council resolved to pay £83.40 for the Annual Inspection of the play equipment.

12.9     Payment – Sedgebrook Social Club for meetings held 1 July, 2 September, 14 October and 2 December 2021 – The Parish Council resolved to pay £80 for the hire of the hall.

13        Items for the next meeting?

Vice Chair Action:  to contact the Clerk.

14       Xmas Party for the Parish Councillors

It was agreed to remove the item from the next meeting’s agenda and to look at arranging something in the spring/summer due to the current Covid situation.

15        Date of the next meeting:                                                         

Thursday 24 February 2022

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.04 pm.