Minutes of SPC Meeting held 23 November 2022

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Meeting
held in Sedgebrook Social Club at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 23 November 2022

Present:    The Chair C Wood, The Vice Chair G Mahoney, Cllr C Warby, Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer) and one member of the public.

1    Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the last meeting of the year which was  another strange year with the pandemic still reverberating through.  The Vice Chair had obtained further finance for the replacement tree and The Green project - it has been a very productive year.

2    Apologies for absence and reasons given – apologies were received from Cllr C Warby and District Councillor Pam Bosworth.

3    To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011 – none.

4    Notes of the last meeting held on  13 October 2022
The notes of the last meeting, held on 13 October 2022, were approved as being a true record, and signed by the Chairman.

5       Correspondence
5.1    The Allington News October/November issue had been received – their next deadline for the Parish Council Report is 18 November 2022.
5.2    SKDC had sent details of the grant for the provision of Community Cleaners from October to March 2022.  This was followed by a Remittance Advice on the 4 November.
5.3    Invitation to a parishioner to the planting of the new hornbeam tree on the 1st December.  A letter of acceptance was received by the Parish Council.
5.4    A letter to the Community Cleaner regarding the increase to his hourly rate.
5.5    The Information Commissioner’s Office had sent a Renewals Reminder for the data protection fee which is due around the 26 November 2022.  A further letter of confirmation stating the payment had been taken from the bank account.
5.6    An email of thanks was sent to Simpson Arboriculture Ltd for their excellent work in felling the sweet chestnut tree.
5.7    SKDC sent details of the Local Development Scheme 2022 – 2025 which will form part of the Council’s Local Plan.
5.8    A letter of condolence was sent to a parishioner.
5.9     Ligna Consultancy sent details of their tree safety management service.
5.10   SKDC sent information for the application of the Precept for the financial year 2023/24.
5.11   Andy Savage, the Senior Countryside Officer for Lincs County Council updated the Parish Council on the overgrown hedgerow on the footpath from Abbey Lane to Church Lane.
The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated by email since the 13 October 2022.

6       Public Forum
6.1    The parishioner attending had been in contact with the graphic designer concerning the wording and design for the lectern on The Green.  The lectern would be A1 size and the parishioner had suggested dividing up the information into four sections including a map showing the key buildings in the village and a photograph of the Church – the designer will send us a proof for approval.
6.2     The children’s artwork in the phone box is being held up by blue-tak and the parishioner mentioned the pictures keep curling up and falling down. She does reposition them and asked the Parish Council if would be possible for them to be pinned up with self-adhesive hooks and a net wire – she was concerned if the hooks were taken off, they could pull off the paint.  Cllr Warby organises the artwork and we would pass on the request.
Clerk Action: to inform Cllr Warby.
6.3     The parishioner also mentioned she had a free-standing pin-board which can be used in the phone kiosk – a holder for leaflets could also be added on.
6.4    The parishioner had requested a tree be planted in Whatton’s Close for their 50th anniversary which the County Councillor had promised to arrange some time ago.
Clerk Action: to remind the County Councillor.
At this point, the parishioner left the meeting.
7    Highways  
7.1    General update – despite the heavy rainfall over the past few days, it looks like the work which had been completed in the village has been successful as the areas previously flooded have remained clear.  The Vice Chair reported the dykes were filling up and the water going through the pipe near the bridge is only trickling through, but it is moving.  Cllr Denton reported the water in the ditches near to Arena UK, on Allington Road, are really high.  The fields on Woolsthorpe Lane are also flooded.  Highways had been looking into the problem of water flowing across the A52 crossroads and into the village, but this had not happened this time.
7.2    Reports from Lincs County Council – Highways – Woolsthorpe Lane had now been partly resurfaced around the area of the Contractors’ Barns – further potholes had been filled in on Allington Road.  The Vice Chair had reported on the condition of the entrance to School Lane from the A52 to Fix My Street – Highways are not repairing it.  The Vice Chair also reported on the state of the lamp post on Allington Road following an accident – there is also no light, and the lamp is hanging – this had also been reported to SKDC.
7.3    Allington Road Sign required at the junction of Village Street and Allington Road – nothing further to report.
7.4    Pavement Parking – to discuss - there has been occasions of vehicles parking on the pavement around the Abbey Lane area.  
 Clerk Action: to inform the PCSOs of the issue and to see if they can make a visit if they are in the area.
7.5    A village clean – to discuss - SKDC’s Big Clean team normally visit the village to generally clean and tidy the village.
 Clerk Action: to see when they are due to visit.
7.6   A52 accidents – to discuss - it was noted that there have been a number of accidents on the A52 around the Sedgebrook area and the safety issue had been raised by a parishioner.
Clerk Action: to write to Highways England expressing concern about the safety issues and if they have any plans to investigate or making any improvements.

8    Guidance for Marking the Death of a Senior National Figure – The guidance needs updating regarding the archiving of Books of Condolence.
Clerk Action: to ask the County Councillor where SKDC are archiving their Book of Condolence.

9      The Green
9.1    Village Green – project on the phone kiosk, tree replacement and flagpole – update – the tree is being delivered and planted on the 1st December.  Mr McBride will be putting down the paving and the lectern will then need to be installed. The Vice Chair had spoken with the tree sculptor.  As some of the items for the project have increased in cost, we may not have the available funds to have the sculpture made from the tree trunk – we may have to look at an alternative.
9.2    Lectern – to decide which one we purchase – the Vice Chair had requested updated quotations from four companies.  We would need to look at the durability of the material used.  
Clerk Action: to add to the next meeting’s agenda.
9.3    Planting of the new Hornbeam Tree on the 1st December – to finalise arrangements – provisionally 10 am – the Grantham Journal’s photographer was unable to attend.  We will take a couple of pictures of the parishioner and send it to the Journal with a write-up. The Vice Chair to inform the Clerk of the arrival of Majestic Trees.
Clerk Action: to write to the parishioner confirming the time.

10      Recreation Field
10.1    Football post to be taken down – several emails had been received from parishioners concerning taking down the football post.  The Parish Council will be looking at possible funding from SKDC in order to replace the football post – this will be looked at following the completion of The Village Green project.  
Clerk Action: to reply to the parishioners informing them if and when the football post is taken down, it will be replaced.
10.2    Routine inspection of the play equipment – is there anything needing action?  The Vice Chair had completed a further inspection – there was nothing further to report.

11      Archiving Book of Condolence and other Documentation – The Clerk was waiting for the County Councillor’s reply regarding the archiving of SKDC’s Book of Condolence for the late Queen Elizabeth II.  Two original minute books had been passed over to the parishioner who would take them to the County Archives.
12      Finance (The Clerk)
12.1   Details of income and outgoings since the last meeting as per the bank statements to the 5 November 2022  

12.2   Verification of Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliations
 The verification of the Bank Statements and Bank Reconciliations were completed by the Vice Chair up to the 5 November 2022 and the documents had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.
12.3   Year End 31 March 2024 Budget/Precept Application – to discuss On considering the revised budget figures it was noted that a 2% increase in the precept of £12600 would mean a deficit of £403.16. Every Council will also be finding it difficult to balance the books.  We are in a much better position than most other Councils as we have ring-fenced funds for future repairs/renewal of the playground equipment – it was agreed we could use some of these funds but only if it is absolutely necessary. After considering precept increases of 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% it was unanimously agreed to increase the precept by 3% to £12725 and to take the deficit of £278.16 from the £500 allocated for Contingencies.  It was noted that the funds will be extremely tight for the next 2 years.  
Clerk Action: to apply to SKDC for the £12725 precept and to update and circulate the budget figures.
12.3.1  Grass-cutting Contract – due for renewal – to discuss areas  - The grass cutting contract was due for renewal and it was agreed to request quotations on exactly the same terms/grass cutting areas as the previous 3-year contract.
 Clerk Action: To send out tender invitations to grass cutting contractors.
12.4   Payments List for Authorisation – all the payments were agreed and the cheques signed:-

11    Social Evening for the Parish Council – the Parish Council hopes to have a social evening in the New Year and perhaps this could be a joint event with The Community Speed Watch Group.
Vice Chair Action: To speak to a member of The Community Speed Watch Group.

14   To resolve whether to exclude the public and press for consideration of the following confidential staffing matter – no members of the public were in attendance.

15    Clerk’s salary to be discussed – details to be minuted separately.

16      Items for the next meeting? None

17    Dates of  meetings in 2023 to finalise:-

9 February 2023
13 April 2023  
11 May 2023 – Annual Parish Meeting
18 May 2023 – Annual Parish Council Meeting
13 July 2023  
14 September 2023
9 November 2023

Clerk Action: to confirm the dates with the Social Club Secretary and to upload them to the website.

18     Date of the next meeting:       Thursday 9 February 2023        
 The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.04 pm.