Minutes - Annual Parish Council Meeting held 19 May 2022


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of
at 7.00 pm at Sedgebrook Social Club on Thursday 19 May 2022 
Present: Chairman C Wood, Cllr G Mahoney (Vice Chairman), Cllr Jane Denton, Cllr C Warby, and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer) 
1   To Elect the Chairman of the Council and receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Cllr C Wood was nominated by Cllr G Mahoney for the position of Chairman of the Parish Council.  This was seconded by Cllr J Denton and was unanimously agreed.  The Chairman signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, and he thanked the Councillors for his re-election to Chairman.
2   To receive apologies for absence and reasons given – apologies were received from County Councillor Mark Whittington, District Councillor Pamela Bosworth and Elisabeth Carnell.
3   To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011. 
There were no interests received.
4   Appointment of Vice-Chairman
Chairman C Wood nominated Cllr G Mahoney as the Vice Chairman which was seconded by Cllr C Warby and was unanimously agreed.  The Vice Chair also signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 
5   Notes of the last meeting held on 7 April 2022
The notes of the last meeting, held on the 7 April 2022, were accepted and signed as being a true record of the proceedings.   
6    Correspondence  
6.1  SKDC Planning were informed that the Parish Councillors had no objections to the planning application no S22/0238 – operational development (demolition of part: replacement roof; replacement/new walls etc) and change of use of land (for use as car park) in connection with a permitted change of use (agricultural to a mixed business use – subject to prior approval application): ref S22/0430 – Manor Farm, Allington Road.
6.2  SKDC were also informed there were no objections from the Parish Councillors to the planning application number S22/0656 – two storey front and side extensions, single storey rear extension and material changes – 5 Whattons Close.
6.3  SKDC had entered Sedgebrook into the Best Kept Village 2022 – the Clerk read through the points raised on last year’s entry.
6.4  The April/May issue of Allington News had been received.
6.5  Melton Borough Council had requested any observations on the Full Planning Application for the construction of a Solar Farm together with all associated work, equipment and necessary infrastructure in the fields OS 6700 6722 and 5200 Muston Lane Easthorpe.
6.6  The Treasurer of the parish magazine and Long Bennington PC Secretary had requested a donation towards the Saxonwell Group Parish News magazine. 
6.7  SKDC had granted planning permission subject to conditions for the application no S22/02897, the creation of a balcony to existing ground floor flat roof to the rear with the replacement of existing window with French doors – Cambria Cottage, Village Street.
6.8   A letter to accompany the cheque for £100 to Mrs S Hensby for the artist’s impression of the proposals of the Jubilee Green project.
6.9 Monkey Challenge Climbing Wall – the Parish Councillors were not interested in purchasing any new play equipment at the moment – the Parish Council are keeping the funds set-aside separately for repairing/replacement of the current play equipment.
7 Public Forum – none.
8   Highways – general discussion   
8.1 The Vice Chair stated that it would be interesting to hear back from Rowan regarding the outstanding items from the Ward Walk held on the 22 March.
Clerk Action: to remind the County Councillor and Rowan Smith regarding the number of items requiring attention.
8.2  Hedges – it was noted there are a number of hedges which are overgrown and hanging over the footpaths in the village.  On Abbey Road there is a beech hedge which is over hanging 2/3rd over the pathway.  In the passageway, the items are still netted and haven’t been removed.
Concern was raised about the hedge on Village Street which is starting to restrict the view from the footpath for any member of the public, including the children from the nursery when exiting onto Village Street. It was likely that the local authorities/landowners may not be able to cut the hedges at the moment because of nesting birds. 
Clerk Action: To contact the Footpaths Officer regarding the hedge on Village Street.
9   Recreation Field – Update following recent inspection of play equipment
9.1 The Vice Chair reported that the football post needs coming down.  The equipment is being checked on a regular basis.  It was noted that an A4 temporary SK laminated sign had been ripped off the fencing – this had not caused any issue as the signs were due to be taken town.   
Clerk Action: to put the item on the agenda in 6 months’ time.
9.2  SKDC’s signs for “No Dog Fouling – Cllr Warby reported that there are a few signs in the village which are now faded and require replacing.
Councillor Action: to let the Clerk know the position of the signs so that the matter can be reported to SKDC.
10  The Green
10.1  Village Green Jubilee Project – the phone kiosk, tree replacement and flagpole – update
The Chair thanked the Vice Chair for obtaining the funding of £10000 and the back-up she received from The Clerk.  In discussing the way forward, the first item to organise will be the purchase of the replacement tree.  One company had been particularly helpful regarding the replacement tree but the Parish Council require three comparable quotations.  We also need to find out the best planting time for the replacement tree.  Is there a timespan required between felling the sweet chestnut tree and planting its replacement?  
The second stage would be to organise the paving and, finally, the lectern which will contain the history of The Green with the school and to tie in with the history of the tree.  There will be a sign put up to point to The Church.
Vice Chair Action: To arrange for two comparable quotations for the replacement tree.  To find out the best time to plant and enquire if there is a period of time required from taking the tree down and planting the new tree.
Clerk Action: the Clerk to upload a photograph of the artist’s impression of the future Village Green to the website to include both the Lottery Funding and the Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee logos.
11  Policies to Adopt – the Clerk had circulated the draft policies prior to the meeting.
11.1 Complaints Procedure and Handling Method – it was unanimously agreed to adopt the policy.
Clerk Action: to send the final copy to the Parish Councillors and to upload the document to the  website.
11.2 Abusive, Persistent or Vexatious Complaints Policy – the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed       adopt the policy.
Clerk Action: to finalise the copy and to circulate around the Parish Councillors and to upload the policy to the website.
11.3 Dignity at Work Policy – the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt the policy.
Clerk Action: to update the policy and to send to the Parish Councillors before uploading to the website.
11.4 Grievance Policy –  the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt the policy.
Clerk Action: to update the policy and to send to the Parish Councillors before uploading to the website.     
12     Finance (The Clerk) 
12.1.1 Details of income and outgoings since the last meeting held 7 April 2022 as per the bank statements to the 5 May 2022 – 
The verification of Bank Statement and Bank Reconciliation had been completed by the Vice Chair up to the 5 May 2022.
Clerk Action: to upload the Bank Reconciliations to the website.
12.1.2 Quarter End Accounts as at the 31 March 2022 – the accounts had been circulated by email and it was noted the balance to carry forward was £3438.11 of which £500 was for contingencies leaving  £2938.11 to carry forward for general reserves. The balance of £12000.16 in the deposit account was ring-fenced for the play equipment.
The Quarterly Receipts & Payments for the YE 31 March 2022 had been uploaded to the website.
12.1.3 Vat Return – the Clerk had submitted the Vat Return for year ending 31 March 2021 and a refund    of £1187.88 had been requested from HMRC which should be paid into the bank account shortly.
12.2 Review of Financial Commitments – the Chair had mentioned the high costs of fuel/food which will impact on the costs of our supplies/contractors - the Parish Council will have to look at keeping the costs to the minimum.  The trees will not require surveying for another 12 to 18 months.  The playground equipment had been installed 5 years ago and funds are being put separately aside on an ongoing basis for any repairs/replacement of the equipment in the future.  The precept had been received and when the transfer of £3000 for YE 2023 has been made, there will be £15000 ring-fenced for the play equipment/repairs etc.
Clerk Action: to arrange a transfer of £3000 from the current account to the deposit account.
12.3 Audit 2021/22 – End of Year reconciliation – to be accepted and signed – the Parish Councillors unanimously noted and accepted the 31 March 2022 end of year reconciliation following circulation of the documentation.  The Chairman signed the document.
12.4 Annual Internal Audit Report 2021/22 – to note – the internal auditor had completed and signed the report in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015.  - A copy of the report, together with an Internal Audit Checklist detailing recommendations from the Auditor had been received by the Clerk and the Chair. The Parish Councillors unanimously noted the completion of the document.
During the Internal Audit, the Clerk had picked up that Cllr Denton had not signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office when she joined the Parish Council.  The form had now been signed and would be retained for future reference. 
Clerk Action: to circulate a copy of the Internal Audit Checklist to the Parish Councillors and to look at the recommendations stated.
Clerk Action: to upload a copy of the Audit Report and Internal Audit Checklist to the website.
12.5 The Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 (Section 1) – for approval and agreement following circulation, it was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.  This was signed by the Responsible Financial Officer and Chairman in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015.  
Clerk Action: to upload a copy of the Annual Governance Statement to the website.
12.6 The Accounting Statements 2021/22 (Section 2) – for approval and signed - following circulation, it was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.  This was signed by the Responsible Financial Officer and the Chairman in accordance with the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015.   
Clerk Action: The Clerk to upload a copy of the Accounting Statements to the website together with an analysis of any significant year on year variances and a copy of the bank reconciliation as at the 31 March 2022.
12.7 AGAR Part 2 Certificate of Exemption – to note and agree – as the Parish Council’s gross annual income/annual expenditure did not exceed £25000 and met the qualifying criteria for the YE 31 March 2022, the Parish Council is exempt from sending the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor for a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.  It was unanimously resolved to complete the Certificate of Exemption which was duly signed by the Responsible Financial Officer and the Chairman. 
Clerk Action: to send the Certificate of Exemption and contact details to P K Littlejohn, the external auditors.
Clerk Action: to upload a copy of the Certificate of Exemption to the website.
The Vice Chair brought up that our income/expenditure for the current year, may exceed the £25000 and we would not be exempt from sending the Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the External Auditors for a limited assurance review.  
12.8 Arrangements for the Commencement Date for the exercise of Public Rights – a notice of Public Rights will be announced on the 25 May 2022 and they will commence on Monday 13 June until Friday 22 July 2022.
Clerk Action: to upload the Public Rights document to the website.
12.9 Parish Council Insurance Renewal – insurance policy expires 31 May 2022 – 2nd year of 3 year Long Term Undertaking which expires 1 June 2024.Renewal of the insurance policy was unanimously approved.
Clerk Action: to inform BHIB that we will be sending the payment for the renewal in the post.
12.10 Payments List for authorisation:-
1 Clerk Monthly Pay – April £475.70
2a Community Cleaner Monthly Pay – May £85.40
2b Community Cleaner Monthly Pay – June £85.40
3 Cartridge Save Ltd Ink Cartridges x 2 HP62XL - £44.62
4 P E Hempstead & Sons Grass Cutting  - £123.06
5 BHIB Ltd Insurance  - £403.20
6 Upper Witham Drainage Board Rec. Field drainage rates -  £7.67
7 Siobhan Hensby for the sketch of The Green £100.00
8 Councillor - Refund of Refreshments  - £19.75
All the payments were unanimously approved by all the Parish Councillors and payments made.
13   Items to be discussed at the next meeting:
13.1  Following the Annual Parish Meeting on the 12 May, it was agreed to look at changing the format of the meeting and look at changing the time to have refreshments.
Clerk Action: to bring this up in February 2023.
14    Date of next meeting:     Thursday 7 July 2022 at 7 pm 
The meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9 pm.