Clerk's Notes - 8 April 2021

Clerk’s Notes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Virtual Meeting
held at 7.00 pm on Thursday 8 April 2021

Present: Chairman C Wood, Vice Chairman G Mahoney, Cllr C Warby, County Councillor Mark Whittington, District Councillor Pamela Bosworth and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer).

1 Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to April’s meeting and remarked it was a year since the start of the pandemic. The Parish Council had kept the services running with the help of both the District and County Councils. The community and the Parish Council expressed their gratitude for the work from both the County and District Councillors. The Chairman raised the concern of how we would find the space for future “face to face” meetings as the current Government guidelines state you are not allowed to have more than 6 people “face to face.” Other local Parish Councils are in exactly the same predicament.

2 Apologies for absence and reasons given – apologies were received from Councillor Jane Denton.

3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.
A declaration of interest was received from Vice Chairman Gill Mahoney on item 9.1, Planning Appeal - Land at Allington Road.

4 Notes of the last virtual meeting held on 25 February 2021
The notes of the last meeting, held on 25 February 2021, were approved, and will be signed by the Chairman at the earliest opportunity.
Action: Chairman to sign the notes.

5 Correspondence
5.1 SKDC were informed that the Parish Council had no objections to the listed building consent application for Chestnut Farm, Village Street application No S21/0280 – replacement of roof tiles and underlay – repair of structural timbers, repair of dormers, addition of roof lights.
5.2 A letter to LIVES enclosing £100 donation from the Parish Council.
5.3 Came and Company had sent a Pre-Renewal Invitation for the Parish Council Insurance which is due for renewal on the 1 June 2021. No amendments were necessary and further documents are awaited.
5.4 From SK Environmental regarding the delay in the inspection of the trees in the village.
5.5 SKDC sent Notices of Elections for Lincolnshire County Councillors and for a Police and Crime Commissioner for the Lincolnshire Police Area. These were put up on the notice board and uploaded to the website.
5.6 SKDC had issued notification of planning application no S21/0428 for two wildlife ponds on arable farmland at 5 Manor Farm, Allington Road.
5.7 P E Hempstead & Sons sent a quotation for the cutting of the grass around the Graveyard which was passed onto the Parochial Church Council.
5.8 SKDC sent their monthly update report on the Register of Electors.
5.9 SKDC sent a Remittance Advice for the payment of the Precept on the 1 April 2021.
5.10 SKDC were informed by the Parish Council that they had no objections to the full planning permission for two wildlife ponds on arable farmland at 5 Manor Farm, Allington Road.
5.11 A copy of the April/May edition of the Allington News had been received. The copy deadline for the next issue is the 9 May 2021.
5.12 SKDC sent a copies of the Approval of Details Reserved by Condition of S12/2183 on the 8 April 2021 and S21/0247- demolition of porch, existing garden walls and outbuildings, installation of new floors and removal of suspended floors at first floor, repairs and minor alteration at Chestnut Farm, Village Street.
The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated since the 26 February 2021.

6 Public Forum
6.1 The District Councillor didn’t have anything to report to the meeting as South Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council are both getting ready for the elections.
6.2 The County Councillor reported that work scheduled on the bridge had been temporarily put back due to Covid 19 amongst the workforce. The work was still in the work programme and, as soon as he receives a date, the County Councillor will inform the Clerk.
6.3 Councillor Chris Warby enquired about the temporary road closure at Allington from the 12 April for 4 days. This was for Anglian Water to complete sewage drainage connection for the new houses. Access would be available on Allington Road up to the caravan park entrance.
The County Councillor informed the meeting that the works in the plan between Allington and Sedgebrook cannot start until the bridge repair had been completed by Highways. It was noted there would be no major resurfacing, just the edges of the roads and potholes.

7 Highways
7.1 Update on Flooding Issues – see item 6.2 (Public Forum) - the Chairman requested sight of the results of the flooding investigations which were completed a year ago. Rowan Smith (Area Highways Manager of Lincolnshire County Council) and his team were looking at a drainage strategy and how to improve matters. The County Councillor also mentioned that an extra £2M funding had been made available to help sort out some of these flooding issues.
County Councillor: to keep chasing for a copy of the flooding investigations.
7.2 Street Sign for Allington Road with the junction of Village Street?
The Clerk had written to SKDC requesting clarification on the boundaries of the road from the A52 out to the Allington border of Village Street which do not marry up with the OS map and the addresses which had been given to various properties. It appears to be a problem with Unique Street Reference Numbers as part of the road has no USRN and has been designated as Village Street and SatNavs default to Allington Road (as this is a higher classification of road). SKDC have contacted Lincolnshire County Council who are now looking into correcting this matter. SKDC have also made a correction in Google maps.
7.3 Request SKDC for a wastebin on the Allington Road/Village Street junction or one to be placed at the end of the track near the railway bridge – for discussion
It was noted Councillors were concerned if additional waste was placed by the side of bins. It was agreed to defer a decision until the next meeting when Cllr Denton will be able to contribute to the discussion.
Action: Clerk to put the item on the next agenda.

8 Recreation Field/The Green
8.1 Annual Inspection Report for the Play Equipment – update on items requiring attention:-
i. Bushes/caps
The Vice Chairman reported that the bushes should have been fixed when the activity trail was first installed by KOMPAN. The Vice Chairman contacted KOMPAN and the bushes/caps are £2 each and the activity trail would have to be taken apart before they are put in. Concern was raised if something went wrong when taking the equipment apart by the Parish Council.
As this matter was not raised at the last inspection, it was agreed to leave the equipment as it is until the equipment is inspected again.
ii. Algae/Mould – monitor/treatment – the bench adjacent to the fence, the seesaw and the activity trail – it was agreed that the algae/mould would be monitored. The wood has already discoloured; the Parish Council would see if the matter is raised at the next inspection.
iii. Goal Posts – it was noted the goal posts are very dilapidated; the Parish Council to look at funding to replace them. A Community Grant is available up to a maximum £5000 (80% limit with 20% of the funding to be funded by the Parish Council).
Action: Clerk to email Carole Drury at SKDC to find out if there is community funding available for both goal posts.
8.2 Waste Bin on The Green – update – SKDC had replaced the wastebin on The Green and the Parish Councillors were grateful of their swift action.
8.3 Bins in the Recreation Field – to discuss – Cllr Warby had been approached by a villager concerning the amount of litter on the playing field. The Chairman thanked Cllr Warby for going around parts of the village collecting litter which the Community Cleaner does not cover.
8.4 Worry of dogs while waste collecting in the Recreation Field – it was noted that there had been representation made to the Parish Council regarding the Recreation Field. It was recognised that the Recreation Field was an amenity for all of the Parish from young to old and it was well used and appreciated. The Parish Council has worked hard over the past years to ensure that it provides recreation possibilities for all of the community and a great deal of effort and hard work in recent years had seen the play equipment updated and renewed as well as the general upkeep of the grassed areas continued and enhanced.
Given that at any time the field may see a range of the community present and enjoying the facilities it was noted that on occasions some users had made reference to uninvited approaches to them from dogs exercising on the field. For some people dogs may be intimidating regardless of how friendly and well behaved they may be. For young children the approach of a dog may also cause concern. The Parish Council is aware that the Recreation Field is used by many dogs as part of their walks with their owners but the Council can also fully appreciate the concerns expressed to it. It can sometimes be that dog owners may not realise that despite the friendliness of their dog and its good nature that others may actually feel intimidated if approached by a dog. The Parish Council would therefore be grateful if owners taking their dogs onto the Recreation Field continue to do so but ensure that if there are others using the field, that they take appropriate steps to ensure their dogs do not approach other users unless invited to do so.Action: An email to be circulated – Clerk to discuss with the Chairman.
8.5 Fencing off the play equipment – following discussion, it was agreed to look into the possibility of community funding in order to cover the cost of putting up fencing around the play equipment. As the cost of the fencing had not been allowed for in the budget for YE March 2022, the Chairman suggested the possibility of using some of the ring-fenced funding for the play equipment if we were unable to obtain 100% Community Funding.
Action: the Clerk to email Carole Drury at SKDC to see if there is community funding available.

9 Planning
9.1 Planning Appeal – Land at Allington Road, Sedgebrook – result of the Planning Appeal sent to the Planning Inspectorate – the Planning Inspectorate had upheld South Kesteven District’s original rejection of the planning application.
9.2 Planning Request for extension to Sedgebrook cemetery – update – The Duty Planning Officer saw no reason why the Parish Council could not apply for the planning application for an extension to Sedgebrook cemetery. Alan Cook was going to establish the classification of the land – if it is already classified as a cemetery then there is no need for a planning application. The Parochial Church Council will need to find out from the Diocese if the land is consecrated.
9.3 Planning Application No 21/0428 – two wildlife ponds on arable farmland – 5 Manor Farm, Allington Road – the Parish Council had no objections to the planning application and SKDC were informed.

10 Tree Management – Risk Assessment – inspection is still due to be completed.
Action: Clerk to request an update mid-April on the situation.

11 Public Footpaths
11.1 Public Footpath Signs – Viking Way close to the railway crossing on Sewstern Lane – The Vice Chairman reported that the new footpath sign had been installed.
11.2 Cllr Warby stated that snowdrops had been planted at the side of the track off School Lane.

12 Finance (The Clerk)
12.1 Verification of Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliations – Cllr Denton had continued to verify the bank statements with the Bank Reconciliations via post up to the 5 March 2021.
12.2 Internal Auditor – the vacancy had been filled by Terry Brown – the Clerk was waiting for the bank statement to get all the documentation ready for the audit.
12.3 Sedgebrook Parish Council to register for online fundraising? One of Allington Parish Councillors runs their online fundraising – they have raised funds without costing anyone anything.
Action: the Clerk to speak with the Councillor to find out further information.
12.4 Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community Cleaner for the 31 April 2021.
12.5 HMRC – it was resolved to send the PAYE payment of £26.20 for quarter ending 31 March 2021.
12.6 Payment – Parish Clerk – it had been resolved to pay the Clerk her basic payment for March 2021 and mileage.
12.7 Payment – Viking Stationery – it was resolved to pay £152.00 for stationery.
12.8 Payment P E Hempstead and Sons – it was resolved to pay £123.06 for grass-cutting completed during March 2021.
12.9 Payment – it was resolved to refund the Clerk for the purchase of 2 packs of masks for the Community Cleaner - £9.98.
12.10 Payment – it was unanimously resolved to subscribe to Zoom at a cost of £119.90 for 12 months.
Action: the Clerk to organise the online payment.

13 Items to be discussed at the next meeting – no further items to discuss.

14 Annual Parish Meeting – to be held on the 29 April 2021 – invitations?
14.1 It was noted that Councillor Kelham Cooke, the Leader of SKDC, would be giving a short talk with slides about how the district coped and adapted and the key steps in a new normal as we come out of the pandemic.
It was agreed to ask Sam Wade if she could give a roundup of what the Volunteer Group has done for the residents during the pandemic.
Action: to email Sam Wade.
14.2 It was unanimously agreed to obtain an annual subscription to Zoom.
Action: to email the Village Email to see if any other interested groups would like to give a presentation to the meeting. The Clerk to organise the agenda, upload it to the website, display it on the notice board and circulate it via the Village Email.

15 Date of the next “virtual” meetings:

Thursday 29 April 2021 – Annual Parish Meeting
Thursday 6 May 2021 – Annual Parish Council Meeting

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.07 pm.