Minutes - 1 July 2021

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Meeting
held in Sedgebrook Social Club at 7.00 pm on Thursday 1 July 2021

Present: Chairman C Wood, Vice Chairman G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby, Cllr N McGreevy, Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer) and one member of the public.

1 Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the first “face to face” meeting since February 2020. The Chairman thanked everybody for their continued work, assistance, enthusiasm which has got us through the last year and a half. He paid tribute in particular to Samantha Wade and the Sedgebrook Community Group together with the villagers themselves.

2 Apologies for absence and reasons given – following the meeting, County Councillor Whittington gave his apologies.

3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.

No Declarations of Interests were received.

4 Notes of the last virtual meeting held on 6 May 2021

The notes of the last meeting, held on 6 May 2021, were approved as being a true record, and signed by the Chairman.

5 Co-option of Parish Councillor

5.1 The Vice Chairman G Mahoney proposed to co-opt Neil McGreevy onto the Parish Council. This was seconded by Cllr J Denton. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be completed via post due to current Covid restrictions. Cllr McGreevy was welcomed to the Parish Council.
Clerk Action: to post the new councillor’s documentation and to arrange a Parish Council email address.
Cllr Action: Cllr McGreevy to complete the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests form and Declaration of Acceptance of Office form and return to the Clerk.

6 Correspondence

6.1 SKDC sent details of the Community Cleaner grant of £463.32.

6.2 HSBC sent information on Business Overdrafts.

6.3 SKDC sent details of a planning application no S21/0896 to remove existing timber fencing to North Boundary and replace with Drystone Walling at Chestnut Farm, Village Street. This was followed by an application for Listed Building Consent No 21/0897. See Planning (item 9.1)

6.4 The Chairman was thanked for his donation of £200 for flowers on the Village Green.

6.5 The Clerk had sent an updated Declaration of Interests form to SKDC for Cllr Jane Denton.

6.6 Audit – YE 31 March 2021 - The Exemption Certificate and Contact Details had been sent to P K Littlejohn, the External Auditors and an acknowledgement had been received.

6.7 SKDC sent details of the Best Kept Village 2021 Competition.

6.8 An alternative quotation for the Parish Council Insurance from BHIP for £403.20.

6.9 The Organiser of the Dog Agility Training had sent the Parish Council a letter which she had sent to SKDC regarding issues with the training classes. The Chairman had been approached by parishioners and had written to the Senior Planning Enforcement Officer at SKDC.

6.10 SKDC sent information on Community Awards 2021.

6.11 SKDC sent an update on the Register of Electors.

6.12 The June/July 2021 issue of the Allington News had been received. The copy deadline for the next issue is the 9 July 2021.

6.13 HSBC need to have accurate information and have requested details. These have been posted.

6.14 LIVES had sent a letter thanking us for the Parish Council’s support together with a leaflet.

6.15 PKF Littlejohn, the Parish Council auditors have acknowledged receipt of documents notifying them of the exempt status for the year ending 31 March 2021.

6.16 The Assistant Chief Constable Chris Davison of Lincolnshire Police sent a letter to inform the Parish Council of their commitment towards enhancing community policing and keeping the community updated with distribution of newsletters/emails.
The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated by email since the 6 May 2021.

7 Public Forum

7.1 Sandbags – Samantha Wade reported that a cubic metre of sand had arrived together with hessian sandbags which should last longer than the sandbags previously supplied. The Chairman, agreed to telephone Samantha Wade should the sand be required in an emergency and access needed to the storage area. The Chairman thanked Samantha Wade for providing storage space for the sand/bags.

7.2 It was agreed to move item 18 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons – on the 2 June 2022
Samantha Wade will gauge people’s thoughts in the village about having a beacon or, alternatively, holding a Street Party on the Sunday.
Clerk Action: to find out the cost of a beacon.

8 Highways – general discussion

8.1 General discussion – some potholes have been filled in.

8.2 Update on flooding issues - The work completed on the bridge to stop the flooding appears to have solved the issue. However, we will not know until we have a huge deluge of rain whether or not the problem has been resolved on Allington Road.

8.3 Over-hanging hedges in the village causing footpaths to be inaccessible – the Chairman had another paragraph to add to his draft letter to give guidance to parishioners on what the law is regarding hedges.
Chairman Action: to finalise letter and send for circulation via the village email.

8.4 Village Street and Bowman’s Way – holes in the footpaths – update on repairs – the Parish Council were waiting to hear from the County Councillor on the matter.

8.5 Clerk Action: The Clerk to email a copy of Lincolnshire County Council’s email regarding removal of vegetation to Cllr McGreevy.

8.6 The Vice Chairman brought up the visibility from School Lane looking towards Nottingham on the A52.
Clerk Action: to write to Highways England.

9 Recreation Field

9.1 Quotations for a basic wooden fence to surround the play equipment – to discuss and decide – following discussion on the ongoing issues of dogs being allowed to run loose in the recreation field
and the dog faeces found around the play equipment area and human faeces found at the top corner of the field, it was unanimously agreed to apply for a grant for picket fencing to surround the play equipment which should control the dogs. The recreation field is open to all the village and it is used in a variety of ways. Dogs could not be banned as how would you enforce it? It was also suggested that education on good ownership/dog etiquette could help.
Cllr Action: Cllr Denton to research published guidance ie The Kennel Club, PDSA.
Clerk Action: to put the item on the next meeting’s agenda.

9.2 Details for the Grant Application from South Kesteven Community Funding

Three quotations had been received and were required for the grant application. The Parish Council decided to accept the quotation from K&S Fencing.
Clerk Action: to write to K&S Fencing stating the Parish Council were considering their quotation and that we were mindful that the quotation may well increase. The Clerk to write to JMS Fencing and Vale Tree and Fencing to inform them they were unsuccessful.
Vice Chairman Action: to send copies of the emails so that the Clerk can email the correct person.
The Vice Chairman was in the process of finalising the application form – the cut off for the next batch of applications is the 23 July. A copy of the Safeguarding Policy was required – see item 13.

9.3 Football Association Community Grants – further information received? – the Clerk hadn’t received a reply from the Chairman of Barrowby Football Club for details of a grant we could apply for to replace the goal posts on the Recreation Field. On further research, the Parish Council would not qualify as the Football Association only fund goalposts that will be used on a 3G pitch which is on the FA 3G Pitch Register.

9.4 Additional Signage for Recreation field

9.4 a Rules of the Recreation Field to be used between dawn and dusk – people are using the park in the evening – the Parish Council had been notified of people using the Recreation Field late in the evening. To organise a byelaw is a very lengthy process and it would need to be enforced. On considering putting up a further notice it was unanimously decided that, as we had only just replaced the notice board, the Parish Council would wait and see if the problem escalates.

9.4 b To state “no motorised 2/3/4 wheeled vehicles to be used in the Recreation Field” as these were being used in the field last summertime – this to be left until further evidence is received of motorised vehicles using the park.

9.5 Security Post – to discuss – the Chairman is able to drop the security post down without the use of the key. It was noted if a new post was purchased you may have the same problem with the lock rusting and the concrete base may need changing to accommodate the replacement. It was unanimously decided to retain the post.
Chairman Action: to show the method to those interested parties.

9.6 Accompanying dogs into the Playing Field – for discussion – see item 9.1.

10 Planning

10.1 Planning Application – No S21/0896 – Listed Building Consent No 21/0897 – Chestnut Farm, Village Street – remove existing timber fencing to North Boundary and replace with drystone walling – the Parish Council – it had been agreed there were no objections to the planning applications and the Clerk had sent the completed forms to SKDC Planning before the deadlines.

11 Tree Management – Risk Assessment – inspection to be completed – as the inspection has not been done the County Councillor had taken this matter up at the last meeting. The Clerk had sent a reminder but had not received an update.
Clerk Action: to write to Kelham Cooke to see if the matter can be resolved.

12 Village Green

12.a Phone Box – flowers in containers surrounding the phone box/post box – update – Cllr Denton had organised the purchase of the two planters with a “Tommy”. The natural planters needed some protection and it was agreed that Parish Councillors would look on Wickes’ website to see what colour they would prefer.
Cllr Action: Cllrs to look at Wickes’ website and let Cllr Denton know the preferred colour.
Cllr Action: Cllr Denton to source compost and then flowers can be purchased.
Should the purchase of the items go over the £200 donation, the Chairman will make up the shortfall.

12.b Flagpole – Cllr Warby mentioned that the flagpole was due for another coat of paint. The Clerk noted that the flagpole wasn’t on the Parish Council’s Asset Register. The Jubilee Committee agreed to pay for the painting of the flagpole and Samantha Wade would check her paperwork to see who initially purchased the flagpole and the cost of purchase.

13 Safeguarding Policy – to agree – the Parish Councillors, apart from Cllr McGreevy, all agreed to the Safeguarding Policy which was required to be sent off with the Grant Application for the fencing.
Clerk Action: to send a copy to Cllr McGreevy.

14 Communications Policy – to agree – apart from Cllr McGreevy, all the Councillors agreed to the Communications Policy which had been circulated.
Clerk Action: to send a copy to Cllr McGreevy.

15 Social Media Policy – to agree - apart from Cllr McGreevy, all the Councillors agreed to the Communications Policy which had been circulated.
Clerk Action: to send a copy to Cllr McGreevy.

16 South Kesteven Community Awards 2021 – to discuss – it was unanimously agreed to source further information to nominate a villager by the 18th July deadline.
Vice Chairman/Clerk Action: to co-ordinate the nomination details.

17 Issue with dog waste – yellow bags being thrown over the Manor fence adjacent to the path to the playing field! Cllr Denton informed the meeting that it is always yellow bags being thrown over the fence on a regular basis. This matter will be dealt with the overall dog issue discussed under item 9.1.

18 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons – on 2 June 2022 – to discuss – see Public Forum, item 7.2.19 Parish Online “free” Subscription – to discuss – the Parish Council had received a free subscription with renewing the Parish Council Insurance with BHIB Insurers. The system allows you to view and print off maps and to store the Parish Council Asset Register. The Parish Councillors agreed to initially use the system to set up the Asset Register.
Clerk Action: to start placing the assets onto the system.

20 Finance (The Clerk)

20.1 The Clerk read out the details of income and outgoings since reported at the last meeting held 6 May 2021 as per the bank statements dated the 5 May and 5 June 2021 –

             5 April 21       Balance b/f                                                                                          £12996.68


             Date                                Details                                                                                     £

            6 April 2021                      Donation from Councillor for flowers                                  200.00

            7 April 2021                      SKDC - Precept                                                                     11970.00

            10 May 2021                    HMRC - VAT repayment                                                          451.08

            18 May 2021                    SKDC - Community Cleaner's Grant                                       463.32

   Less payments:-

            Date              Cheque No   Details                                                                                   £

           8 April 2021     200566        Community Cleaner                                                              82.34

           8 April 2021     200559        Community Cleaner                                                              82.14

           9 April 2021     200564        HMRC - PAYE                                                                         26.20

         14 April 2021      200565       Viking Stationery                                                                  152.00

         14 April 2021      200563       Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils                      141.10

         14 April 2021     200562        Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils                     102.00

          27 April 2021    100467        P E Hempstead & Sons                                                           123.06

         4 May 2021       200570        Clerk (basic + refund of purchases + expenses)               420.52

         6 May 2021      200569         Upper Witham Internal Drainage                                           7.22

         10 May 2021    200568         Internal Auditor                                                                     100.00

         13 May 2021    200571         Community Cleaner                                                                82.14

         18 May 2021    200572         LALC - Zoom Licence                                                            119.90

         18 May 2021    200573         P E Hempstead & Sons                                                         246.12

         21 May 2021    200574         BHIB - Parish Council Insurance                                         403.20

         5 June 2021     Balance to c/f                                                                                        £23993.14

The verification of Bank Statement and Bank Reconciliation via post had continued to be completed by Cllr Jane Denton up to the 5 June 2021.

Clerk Action: to put the half-yearly accounts/budget discussion on the agenda of September’s meeting.

20.2 Audit – Year End 31 March 2021 – update – the notification of public rights had been displayed on the website and notice board and the auditors had confirmed receipt of the documentation regarding exempt status for the year ending 31 March 2021.

20.3 Payment – Royal British Legion Industries Ltd – for the two large planters for the Village Green – this had been agreed by emails and payment of £187.25 made.

20.4 Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community Cleaner up to the 31 July 2021

20.5 Payment – Parish Clerk – it had been resolved to pay the Clerk her basic payment and mileage up to 30 June 2021

20.6 Payment – P E Hempstead and Sons – it was resolved to make payment for the grass-cutting during May to June 21.

20.7 Payment – Time Assured Ltd – it had been agreed by email to make payment of £138 for the servicing of the church clock which had taken place on the 26 February 2021.

21 Items to be discussed at the next meeting – no items to discuss.

22 Date of the next meeting:

Thursday 2 September 2021

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.29 pm.