Minutes - 14 October 2021

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Meeting
held in Sedgebrook Social Club at 7.00 pm on Thursday 14 October 2021

Present: Chairman C Wood, Vice Chairman G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer)

1 Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2 Apologies for absence and reasons given – Cllr N McGreevy was unable to attend and, following the meeting, County Councillor Whittington sent his apologies.

3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.
No Declarations of Interests were received.

4 Notes of the last meeting held on 2 September 2021
The notes of the last meeting, held on 2 September 2021, were approved as being a true record, and signed by the Chairman.

5 Correspondence
5.1 SKDC Planning were informed that the Parish Council had no reason to object the Planning Application No S1/1670 for change of use of Units 2 and 4 from Office Use to Class E Commercial Business and Services Uses, at The Grange, School Lane.
5.2 Lincolnshire County Council acknowledged receipt of the report to Fix My Street regarding the damaged road edges on School Lane.
5.3 Lincolnshire County Council also acknowledged receipt of the elderberry bush obstructing the view at the junction of Village Street and Bowmans Way. A further update had been issued stating that as there were no safety defects found upon inspection, LCC were not taking immediate action. It was reported that the bush had in fact been cut back.
5.4 HSBC were sent a completed form by Recorded Delivery to enable the bank to start the online Customer Information Review.
5.5 HSBC acknowledged receipt of the online Safeguard Review.
5.6 SKDC Planning informed the Parish Council of the approval of details for Chestnut Farm, Village Street, reserved by condition (materials).
5.7 The Parish Council thanked the parishioner for painting the bench in the Recreation Field. It was noted that he had also painted the bench on the Village Green too.
5.8 SKDC had granted planning permission, subject to conditions, to extend the graveyard to include land next to the graveyard which would be a change of use (application no: S21/1535).
The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated by email since the 2 September 2021.

6 Public Forum
No items.

7 Highways
7.1.1 General discussion – SKDC’s Big Clean team had recently been to Sedgebrook and, as a result, the village was looking much better – the team had worked very hard.
Clerk Action: to pass on the thanks of the Parish Council to the workforce.
7.1.2 Cllr Warby reported a large dip in the road outside Chestnut Lodge which had caused damage to a car.
Councillor Action: to report it to Fix my Street and to send a photograph to the Clerk who will also report the matter.
7.1.3 The Vice Chairman enquired as to when the drainage work in the village would be completed. The work was already scheduled but Covid is still affecting crews and there are problems with supplies of materials. This is one issue which will be answered by Rowan Smith when he is able to attend a meeting.
7.1.4 There has been some progress with flooding but, until there is a deluge of rain, it will not be known if the issues have been resolved.
7.2 Sign for LA Kitchens on the A52 – for discussion – it was noted the sign does not block any vision and it is not situated next to any house. It was agreed to leave the matter for the present time.
7.3 Over-hanging hedges in the village causing footpaths to be inaccessible –
The Chairman had sent a letter via the village email and it was noted a few hedges have been trimmed. Concern was raised that some areas in the village are blocked. The path on School Lane is not wide enough and the three hedges in Abbey Lane could do with cutting back as the hedges narrow the path considerably. If the problem hedges were cut right back it would cause them to be brown and it would spoil the hedges and also the look of the village.
Clerk Action: to add the item to a list to raise with Rowan Smith as this is a Highways matter.
7.4 Village Street and Bowman’s Way – holes in the footpaths – update on repairs – nothing further has been done - soil is naturally falling into the holes.
Clerk Action: to take the item off the agenda for the next meeting.
7.5 Area Highways Manager – Parish Council’s request for Rowan Smith to attend a Parish Council Meeting
Clerk Action: to ask the County Councillor to arrange a meeting

8 Recreation Field
8.1 Update on basic wooden fence to surround the play equipment – Vice Chairman Gill Mahoney had met with K and S Fencing to discuss the correct positioning of the fencing/gates. K and S Fencing would supply a “no dogs allowed.” Concern was raised that the price of the fencing may increase due to the current spiralling of supplies.
Clerk Action: to look out an email from K and S Fencing which confirmed the cost and send to the Vice Chairman.
The work on the fencing would begin soon.
8.2 Waste Bin - it was reported that the majority of dog bags were now being put into the waste bin. Cllr Warby had informed Cllr McGreevy she would empty the bin if required.

9 Planning
9 .1 Planning Application No: S21/1535 St Lawrence Church – to extend the graveyard to include the land next to the graveyard. The planning permission had been granted, subject to conditions.

10 Tree Management – The Green and The Recreation Field
10.1 Quotations to discuss
Before the Parish Council organises any work required on the horse chestnut tree on The Green, the Chairman would draft a letter to obtain the views of the villagers on the way forward.
Chairman Action: to write a letter.
If all the work is completed on the trees on both The Green and The Recreation Field, the Parish Council would lose half of its reserves which would be hard to replace. However, the work is essential to complete for safety and insurance purposes.
Clerk Action: to contact Manor Farm Tree Services to gain clarification on their quotation and if the price will include clearing the areas.

11 Village Green
11.1 Update on purchase of large Tommy Planter – Cllr Denton has received the large planter and it is ready to be painted.
Councillor Action: to pay £200 into the Parish Council bank account for the purchase of the planter, compost etc.
At the last meeting Cllr McGreevy suggested setting the planters above ground to save them becoming saturated. It was agreed to look at either block paving or something suitable.
11.2 Flagpole – the flagpole is now looking good - Councillor McGreevy had painted the pole (assisted by two parishioners).

12 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons – on 2 June 2022 – to discuss holding a Street Party or having a beacon – A meeting had been held with villagers and there was no interest in having a beacon. Cllr Denton informed the meeting The Manor Grounds will be opened up for the villagers on the Sunday.

13 Finance (The Clerk)
13.1 Verification of Bank Statements/Reconciliations
The Clerk read out the details of income and outgoings since reported at the last meeting held as per the bank statements dated the 5 August and 5 October 2021 –

The verification of Bank Statement and Bank Reconciliation had been completed by Cllr Jane Denton up to the 5 October 2021.
13.2 Half-yearly Accounts and Budget Discussion
The Clerk had circulated the half-yearly receipts and payments figures which included the budget comparison for the financial year. The Clerk had also provided a revised half-yearly budget for the year end 31 March 2022 considering the increase in insurance premiums and subscriptions. Discussion ensued on a possible future shortfall in funds the Parish Council may have in the future because of tree maintenance – it may be necessary to use the reserves which are being put by for the future replacement of the play equipment.
Year ending 31 March 2023 will be difficult as grass cutting prices would have to increase with rising fuel prices. As we changed insurance companies, to take advantage of a good price, it was thought prudent to factor in an increase in the premium. The Parish Council will be limited to what can be achieved due to a possible maximum 2% increase in the precept.
Clerk Action: to draft a budget for year ending 31 March 2023 taking into account the points raised.
13.3 HSBC Account – to discuss moving the account to online banking – following HSBC’s announcement of changing the bank account to another one where charges are applied, online banking and moving the account to another provider had been considered. It was unanimously agreed to retain the bank account for the present time accepting the £6 monthly charge and 40p per cheque; this will be reviewed every 3 months.
Clerk Action: to add the bank fees to the budget for the next financial year.
13.4 Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community Cleaner up to the 31 October 2021.
13.5 Payment – Parish Clerk – it was resolved to pay the Clerk her basic payment to 30 September 2021.
13.6 Payment – P E Hempstead and Sons – it was unanimously resolved to make payment for the grass-cutting completed during September 2021
13.7 Payment – RBLI – it has been agreed to pay £157.26 for the large Tommy Planter – the price had increased due to the cost of wood.
13.8 Payment – Viking – ink cartridge - £35.84 (back order from 23 March 2021)

14 Items for the next meeting?
14.1 Xmas Party for the Parish Council.
14,2 Discuss and finalise the budget figures/precept application.

15 Dates of meetings for 2022 – the following dates were agreed:-
Thursday 13 January 2022
Thursday 24 February 2022
Thursday 7 April 2022
Thursday 12 May 2022 (Annual Parish Meeting)
Thursday 19 May 2022 (Annual Parish Council Meeting)
Thursday 7 July 2022
Thursday 1 September 2022
Thursday 13 October 2022
Thursday 24 November 2022
Clerk Action: to book the Social Club room.

16 Date of the next meeting:

Thursday 2 December 2021

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20 pm.