Minutes - 21 February 2019

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting
held at 8.00 pm on Thursday 21 February 2019 in Sedgebrook Social Club

Present: Chairman G Preece, Vice Chairman C Wood, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby, Cllr G Mahoney, and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk) together with 3 members of the public.

1    Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2    Apologies for absence and reasons given – Cllr H Drew-Bradley had given her apologies and the reason for the non-attendance was accepted by the Parish Council. District Councillor Pamela Bosworth and District Councillor Hannah Westropp had also given their apologies.

3    To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011. No declarations received.

4    Notes of the last meeting held on 10 January 2019

The notes of the last meeting, held on 10 January 2019, were approved and signed by the Chairman as being a true record.

5    Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding not covered by the agenda


6    Correspondence

6.1  SKDC had sent details of the Parish Council Elections and Briefings being held for Parish Clerks.

6.2  February/March issue of the Allington News was received.

6.3  Lincolnshire County Council requested comments on their review of Statement of Community Involvement – on how LCC can communicate better on planning matters.

7    Public Forum

7.1 Overhanging branches on Village Street were reported close by the notice board on Village Street; parishioners volunteered to cut the branches back.

7.2 Green Bank on Bowman’s Way – quite a lot of brambles have grown back. The Chairman reported on the flood risk if the vegetation was cut back.
Clerk Action: to look through the archives to see who is responsible for cutting back the vegetation – to contact Highways for further information if necessary.

8    Flooding – (Vice Chairman 8.1) (8.2 Cllr G Mahoney)

8.1  Items to report/update – nothing to report.

8.2  Update on drains on Allington Road – Cllr Mahoney was still monitoring the repair of the drain.
Councillor Action: to check on the progress of the repair.

9    Highways (Vice Chairman 9.1 /Cllr G Mahoney 9.2.)

9.1.1 Update – the Vice Chairman reported that repairs had been completed outside the contractor’s barns, Village Street and Abbey Lane.
9.1.2 Lincolnshire Highways had informed the Parish Council that Lincolnshire County Council
were only accepting public requests (via the Parish Council) for traffic regulation orders (to
place a temporary experimental or permanent restriction on the use of the public highway) if
they are requested and supported by County Councillor Mark Whittington.
9.2  Lincolnshire Community Speed Watch – update on purchase of equipment – Cllr Mahoney
had circulated the costings of the equipment required for the Lincolnshire Community Speed
Watch - £286.80 (including VAT) for the radar gun, £96.84 (including VAT) for the warning
sign and bag. Including the purchase of high visibility jackets of £31.33 (including VAT)
there would be a shortfall of £35 to £40 after claiming the VAT. It was unanimously resolved
the Parish Council would cover this amount.
Cllr G Mahoney said there were eleven on the Speed Watch team - eight were attending a
course at Grantham Police Station the following evening.
Cllr Action: to liaise with the Clerk to order the equipment following the training.
10    Planning (Vice Chairman)
10.1  Update
10.2  Planning Application No: S17/2155 – Outline Planning Permission for erection of a
Designer outlet Centre at Downtown Garden Centre – the Development Management
Committee held on the 5 February 2019 approved the planning application. Concerns about
the increased traffic on Allington Road (which will be used as a short-cut with Sat Navs)
had been highlighted to SKDC in the Parish Council’s representations to SKDC Planning.

10.3  Planning Application No: S19/0063 – Erection of one two storey dwelling and double
garage – land adjacent to Chestnut Farm Barns, Village Street – due to the fact that the
proposed structure is overwhelming in size for the location and character of the surrounding
listed buildings the Parish Council felt that it does not add to the existing successful
development. The Parish Council informed SKDC of their objection to the planning
application and had suggested recommending the developer considers a single storey

10.4  Planning Application No: S18/2036 – Two storey extension to side and single storey
extension to rear – The Green, Village Street – permission was granted by SKDC
Planning, subject to conditions.
11    Training on the use of the Defibrillator – update on event – on the 27th February at 7 pm
in the Social Club – eight people had been booked in for the training.
12    BT Phone Kiosk – update on electricity power supply to the kiosk regarding
installation of defibrillator – the Chairman had spoken with a representative from The
Community Heart Beat Trust. Apparently, the current defibrillator will not work in the
telephone kiosk as the kiosk does not have the right power supply. The Chairman had
spoken to the Social Club Committee and they were happy for the defibrillator to stay in its
current position if the wiring could be encased in conduit. It was noted that the problems
which occurred last year in accessing the defibrillator in an emergency had been resolved as
the correct code had been given to EMAS.

13    Recreation Field (Cllr Mahoney item 13.3) & Footpaths (The Chairman item 13.1,
13.2, 13.4 & 13.5)
13.1  Update – Nothing additional to update.

13.2  Tree on The Green – discussion on time for replacement and position (also see item 16.1
Memorial Suggestions)
It was agreed to put the item on the agenda of the Annual Parish Meeting for discussion and put forward ideas eg to replace the tree with a similar tree or with something totally different.
Clerk Action: to add the tree on the green with memorial suggestions to the APM agenda.

13.3  Play Equipment Inspection Report – as the issues with the inspection had now been solved, it had been resolved to send payment for the inspection.

13.4  Future play equipment inspection to repeat in 12 months or rolling repeat inspections?
Following discussion, it was resolved to repeat the inspection every 12 months instead of a rolling repeat – the Parish Council Insurers organise special rates with The Play Equipment Company.

13.5  Dog waste – Bowman’s Way – to campaign around the village?
A parishioner had reported problems with dog waste in Bowman’s Way.
Clerk Action: to contact the Dog Warden at SKDC.
14    Parish Council Elections – 2 May 2019 – the Clerk to attend the briefing at SKDC on the 6 March 2019 and to collect the Nomination Papers. The completed papers are required to be hand delivered from the 19 March 2019 to 4 pm on the 3 April 2019.
Clerk Action: to deliver the Nomination Papers to the Chairman. To look at producing further notices informing parishioners of the elections and applying to be a Parish Councillor.

15    Annual Parish Meeting - 16 May 2019 – to discuss format – it was agreed to keep to the same format as last year with cheese and wine.
Clerk Action: to organise the invitations.

16.1  Memorial suggestions – bench/plaque on Village Green? – following discussion it was agreed to link item 16 with item 13.2, the tree on the green.

16.2  Village Flag - The Parish Council had been approached to replace the flag as it is in a poor state of repair.
Councillor Action: Cllr Denton to contact Mrs Wade from the Golden Jubilee Committee regarding a possible contribution.
Clerk Action: to add the purchase of a new flag to the next meeting’s agenda.

17    Finance (The Clerk)

17.1  Verification of bank statements/bank reconciliations – the bank statements and reconciliations were verified by Cllr Denton to the 5th February 2019.

17.2  Grant Request from Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire – the request was noted by the Parish Council and, at this stage, it was resolved not to make a donation.

17.3  Standing Orders – to review and adopt – the Standing Orders, as circulated, were reviewed and it was resolved to adopt.
Clerk Action: to circulate the adopted copy to the Parish Councillors.

17.4   Risk Assessment – to review and adopt – under item 1 (5) the limit of obtaining three estimates on purchases has been increased from £200 to £250. The Risk Assessment had been circulated and it was resolved to adopt the alteration.
Clerk Action: to circulate the adopted copy to the Parish Councillors.

17.5   Financial Regulations – to review and adopt – the Financial Regulations as circulated, were reviewed and it was resolved to adopt.
Clerk Action: to circulate the adopted copy to the Parish Councillors.

17.6   Asset Register – to review and adopt – the register had been circulated with new additions and items which had been taken off. It was noted that all items listed on the register were
required to be the actual purchase price excluding VAT. The Parish Council agreed to the changes.
Clerk Action: to put a copy on the website.

17.7   Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community cleaner up to the 28 February 2019. From the 6 November, the Community Cleaner’s wages were increased in line with the living wage increase.
Clerk Action: to write to the Community Cleaner regarding the increase. To look into the Parish Council’s obligations regarding Automatic Enrolment.

17.8   Payment – Parish Clerk - it was resolved to pay the Clerk up to 31 January 2019.

17.9   Payment – Play Inspection Company – Annual Inspection on the 17 December 2018 – it was resolved to pay £78 for the inspection as the points raised from the annual inspection had now been resolved.

17.10  Payment – LALC Annual Training Scheme– payment for April 2019 – it was noted that VAT will now be included of £15 which will total £90 – it was resolved to make the payment in April 2019.

18    Items to be discussed at the next meeting: No items to add to the agenda.

19    Date of next meeting:
                                          Thursday 11 April 2019
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.