Minutes - 20 May 2019 - Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Sedgebrook Parish Council
at 8.00 pm on Monday 20 May 2019 in Sedgebrook Social Club

Present: Cllr G Mahoney (Acting Chairman), Cllr Jane Denton, Cllr C Warby, Cllr M Shennan and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk)

The outgoing Chairman Gwynfor Preece thanked the Parish Councillors for all their help over the past 12 years he has been in office and he welcomed Councillor Melissa Shennan to the Parish Council.

1      To Elect the Chairman of the Council and receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Cllr C Wood was nominated by Cllr G Mahoney for the position of Chairman of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Cllr J Denton and was unanimously agreed. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be signed at the next meeting.

2      Appointment of Vice-Chairman

Cllr C Warby nominated Cllr G Mahoney as the Vice Chairman which was seconded by Cllr J Denton and was unanimously agreed.
With the new chairman being elected, Cllr Warby thanked Gwynfor Preece on behalf of the Parish Councillors, and he was given a gift of appreciation from the Parish Councillors and Clerk; the ex-Chairman left the meeting.
In the absence of Chairman C Wood, Vice Chairman G Mahoney chaired the meeting.

3      To receive apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies were received from Chairman C Wood.

4      To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.
The Councillors’ Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Forms had been completed prior to the start of the meeting.
Clerk Action: To send copies to SKDC and arrange for the Chairman’s DPI Form to be updated.
There were no interests received.

5      Notes of the last meeting held on 9 May 2019
The notes of the last meeting, held on the 9 May 2019, were accepted and signed as being a true record of the proceedings.

6       Correspondence

6.1    Correspondence received from residents with ideas for the future investment in the play area.

6.2    Came & Company had sent confirmation of the renewal of the Parish Council Insurance together with an Employer’s Liability Certificate.

7       Public Forum – No public attended.

8       Highways

8.1    Ward Walk on the 25th June – further information on times had not been received. The County Councillor informed the Clerk that the start time would be approximately 10.40 am.It was resolved to ask Cllr Richard Davies about moving the 30 mph sign while on the Ward Walk.
It was also agreed to ascertain if the Parish Council purchased “gates”, (which is one way which
would slow down approaching traffic) would Highways have to give permission to have them
Acting Chairman Action: The Acting Chairman to liaise with County Councillor M Whittington
direct to obtain final details for the Ward Walk.

8.1.1 30 mph sign – Cllr Warby informed the Acting Chairman of the over-grown vegetation obscuring
the 30 mph sign on Allington Road. It was resolved that the Acting Chairman would see if was
feasible for this to be trimmed by a villager if it was not the responsibility of Highways.
Clerk Action: to report the matter to Highways.

9       Proposal to change the start time of Parish Council Meetings from 8 pm to 7.30
Following discussion, it was resolved to change the start time of future Parish Council Meetings
from 8 pm to 7 pm, providing this time suits the Chairman.
Clerk Action: to contact the Chairman and the Social Club

10      Finance (The Clerk)
10.1.1 Audit – copies of the YE 31 March 2019 Audit accounting documentation had been uploaded to the website and the Notice of Public Rights had already been displayed on the notice board and website.
Clerk Action: to notify the auditors of the change in Chairman.

10.1.2 End of Year Vat Return - The Vat return claiming £144.57 had been submitted to HMRC.

10.2   Verification of bank statement/bank reconciliation
Councillor Denton checked and verified the bank statement and bank reconciliation.

10.3   Review of financial commitments – apart from the normal day to day expenditure, the Parish
Council will be looking at fencing around the play equipment,
Acting Chairman Action: to obtain three quotations for fencing
Acting Chairman Action: to check to see if the post is still in position and locked into position at
the entrance to the playing field and will talk to the key-holder

10.4   Payment – it was resolved to make a refund of £29.98 to Cllr Denton who had purchased the
refreshments for the Annual Parish Meeting.

11      Items to be discussed at the next meeting

11.1   Change of Signatories for the Parish Council Bank Account
As Gwynfor Preece is no longer on the Parish Council, it was resolved to remove him as one of the
signatories on the Parish Council bank account. It was resolved that Cllr Christine Warby be a
signatory on the bank account with Chairman Clive Wood, Councillor Jane Denton and Jane Bratton
(the Clerk).
Clerk Action: to organise the change of signatories on the Business Account Mandate Form.

11.2   Responsibilities of Parish Councillors – Acting Chairman G Mahoney will be happy to continue
with the Recreation Field, Community Speed Watch and Defibrillator, Cllr C Warby would take over
the responsibility of Footpaths, Cllr J Denton to continue verifying the bank statements and
reconciliations. Flooding, Planning and Highways to be discussed at the next meeting.

12     Date of next meeting:

                                   Thursday 4 July 2019 at 7 pm.

The meeting was closed by the Acting Chairman at 9 pm.