Minutes - 31 October 2019

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting
held at 8.00 pm on Thursday 31 October 2019 in Sedgebrook Social Club


Present: Chairman C Wood, Vice Chairman G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk) together with 7 members of the public, District Councillor P Bosworth and County Councillor M Whittington.

1      Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2      Apologies for absence and reasons given – apologies were received from Cllr M Shennan and the reason for her non-attendance was accepted by the Parish Council.

3      To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.

Declarations of Interest were received from Vice Chairman G Mahoney and relating to item 9.2 (Planning Application No S19/0911).

4      Notes of the last meeting held on 26 September 2019

The notes of the last meeting, held on 26 September 2019, were approved and signed by the Chairman as being a true record.

5      Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding not covered by the agenda – there was nothing further to report.

6      Correspondence

6.1    A copy of Allington News – October/November 2019 issue had been received – copy deadline is Friday 15th November 2019.
6.2    S19/1278 – Tree Preservation Order – SKDC Planning had been informed the Parish Council did not have any comments regarding the proposed removal of four branches of the chestnut tree at 4 Whattons Close.
6.3    The Pensions Regulator sent details of the re-enrolment and re-declaration duties for the Parish Council.

7      Public Forum

7.1   A parishioner brought up the problem of car parking on the Abbey Lane verge when visiting the Social Club and their car park is full. In order to get clarification on whether or not cones should be put out to prevent damage to the verge on Abbey Lane, it was agreed to contact the PCSO. This doesn’t cause problems in the summer as the field behind the car park is available.
Clerk Action: to raise the issue with the PCSO.

7.2   School Lane Drain outside The Croft – the Vice Chairman had contacted the ex-Area Manager for Anglian Water who confirmed the drain is in fact the responsibility of Anglian Water and they will come to inspect it. The Chairman has written to Highways and both the Parishioner and the Parish Council have reported the issue on the Highways/Fix my street websites.
Vice Chairman Action: to contact the householder when any further information is received.

7.3   Flooding – on both the 24th and 25th October, Village Street and Allington Road were flooded – the Foston Beck apparently is not flowing correctly as it is very slow moving. The dikes are full and when they cannot cope with the water and it is thought this leads to the flooding. However, the water did eventually dissipate. It was noted that the amount of rain we have had has been record breaking. If the water course comes under Riparian Rights, then the owners of the land are responsible to clear it. However, the Environmental Agency are responsible for The Beck and, if any enforcement is necessary, this will be carried out by the Environmental Agency.
Clerk Action: to inform the Environmental Agency.
The District Councillor has also contacted Highways regarding the flooding in the road – their contractor will come out to inspect the road drain and, if it is blocked then Highways will organise someone to come to clear it. A parishioner mentioned the “ghost” drain on Allington Road which does not go anywhere - it just fills up and if it gets blocked up, it is then cleaned out and this cycle has been going on for quite some time.

7.4   Wall bowing - A parishioner mentioned the bowing wall (which buts up to the side of the Foston Beck, near to the contractors) and was concerned should it fall down. As the wall is on private land, it is a matter for the Environmental Agency to deal with and they should pick this up when they visit the village. The District Councillor will also highlight the matter to the Flood Manager.

7.5   Overgrowing Hedges – a parishioner raised his concern over two hedges which are overhanging roads and public footpaths in the village – his grandson had fallen off his bicycle trying to go round them and there isn’t enough room on the pavement for a pushchair – you can only get one wheel on the path so you have to walk on the road. The parishioner will email the Clerk with the exact location of the hedges.
Councillor Action: Cllr Warby to email the Clerk with the location of two further over-hanging hedges which are also causing issues in the village

7.6    It was reported to the Parish Council that the bridge (located on the unadopted Lane by School Lane over towards Allington Road) is very muddy due to horses using the pathway – the Parish Council were unsure if this is a bridleway or a footpath.
Clerk Action: to find out the exact location, whether it is a footpath or a bridleway and contact the Countryside Officer.

7.7    Planning Application No: S19/1713 – change of use to dog agility training facility – Full Planning Permission – School Lane, Sedgebrook – parishioners wished to express their concerns about a number of proposed subtle changes in the new planning application which will have major implications. Vehicles are not meant to be in the field but are taken in. The grass is cut regularly, and the equipment is moved. Parishioners reported dogs constantly barking for two hours which are left in crates in cars. If the planning application had remained the same, the parishioners did not have any problem. The Parish Council will make submissions to SKDC which reflect what has been said at the meeting. The District Councillor hadn’t received any complaints about the application and, as there are a few issues, it will now be presented to the Planning Committee.

8      Highways (The Vice Chairman 8.2-8.5)

8.1    Historic Church and Museum Brown Sign – to be positioned on the A52/Sedgebrook turn – to discuss the funding and proposed position of the sign – the PCC had contacted the Council but, due to the cost of the sign, had decided not to pursue the matter.
District Councillor’s Action: to send the Clerk details of Alison from InvestSK regarding possible funding.
Clerk Action: The Clerk to pass on the information.

8.2    Concern of a parishioner regarding nursery staff crossing the Allington Road with the children – warning signs to be erected? The County Councillor and Chairman informed the meeting there wasn’t any budget for additional signage through Highways unless there is a proven accident.

8.3    Damaged Road Sign on the A52 – “z-bend” sign which had come off its post – the matter had been reported to Highways England but it still required repairing.
Clerk Action: to contact Highways England for their progress on the issue.

9       Planning (Chairman)

9.1    Planning Application No: S19/1713 – change of use to dog agility training facility – Full Planning Permission – School Lane, Sedgebrook – this was discussed under Public Forum (item 7.7)

9.2    Planning Application No: S19/0911 – outline permission for residential development comprising of 5 dwellings with approval sought for access – representations had been sent to SKDC who are currently awaiting the results of flood risk and environmental assessments.

9.3    Planning Application No: S19/0063 – Amended Plans Information for Submitted Application – Erection of 1 two-storey dwelling and double garage – land adjacent to Chestnut Farm Barns, Village Street – Decision dated 4 September 2019 – update on complaint to SKDC. The Chairman and Clerk attended a meeting at SKDC with Alex Jelley, who is a Consultant Planning Adviser seconded from Northampton County Council and is currently looking at the whole planning process. Problems with recruiting planning officers. We are still awaiting the Freedom of Information records requested but had received a reply from Sylvia Bland, Head of Development Management. SKDC are prepared to send a Planning Officer out to one of our Parish Council Meetings to explain the planning process and they will also organise a course for Parish Councillors.

10     Recreation Field (Vice Chairman 10.1, 10.2, 10.4 & 10.5/Cllr C Warby 10.3) – the Vice Chairman wished to give thanks to the parishioner who filled in the hole in the Recreation Field.

10.1   Recreation Field Play Area– to discuss quotations obtained for separating the play area with a fence and the creation of a flower meadow combining the area for dogs to run free – opinions of villagers to be obtained – the Vice Chairman was waiting for a further quotation for wooden fencing to be installed in the play area.
Councillor Action: Cllr Warby to organise a quotation for child-friendly wooden fencing from the parishioner installing the entrance post and to distribute the keys.
On her return, Cllr Shennan will be organising a mood board to consult parishioners regarding the proposed creation of a flower meadow.

10.2   Trees – it was noted that one of the many trees on the land adjacent to the Recreation Field had fallen down into the land belonging to The Manor. Concern was raised in case one should fall into the Recreation Field.
Clerk Action: to put the item on the next agenda.

11      Footpaths (Cllr C Warby 11.1)

11.1    Verge Cutting – from the Dog-training field towards the A52 on School Lane - the verge has now had its first cut.

11.2    Tree on the Green – Arboretum Tree & Garden Services – it was noted that the tree on The Green had been pruned today.
Councillor Action: Cllr Warby to send the invoice to the Clerk for payment.

12      Flooding (Chairman & Vice Chairman) -

12.1   School Lane – water not draining away outside The Croft – see Public Forum (item 7.2).

12.2   Resilient Communities Seminar held on 21 October 2019 – attended by Vice Chairman G Mahoney and Councillor J Denton – Cllr Denton gave details of the Seminar and will send the emergency information leaflet to the Clerk to upload to the website. An Emergency Plan will also need to be organised.
Clerk Action: to put the item on the agenda of the next meeting and upload the information.

12.3   Flooding on Allington Road – the Vice Chairman had called out the fire brigade on the 26th October – one of the properties on Allington Road had water coming within 9” of entering into the property. There is a supply of sandbags in the village at Abbey Farm.
Vice Chairman Action: to contact Abbey Farm regarding the supply of sandbags.
Various installations are available which can be purchased by householders in order to protect their properties from flooding.

12.4   Railway Bridge Flooding on Allington Road – due to the flooding, the Vice Chairman had contacted 101 and the Floodline. Highways had been out and positioned warning road signs either side of the bridge. A car had ignored the signs and had got stuck in the water. The signs will be picked up by the appropriate authority who left them.
Clerk Action: to contact Rowan Smith of Highways to request the signs be removed.

13     Neighbourhood Plan

13.1  To discuss results of previous village questionnaire and workshop at the LALC Conference on the 15 October
A parishioner who attended the Neighbourhood Plan workshop at the LALC Conference on the 15 October 2019 gave a brief report to the Parish Council. If you have a Neighbourhood Plan, then you are on equal ground with the local authority’s plan. Many of the issues which Sedgebrook are experiencing now could have been put into a Neighbourhood Plan before the issues had arisen. The Parish Council would need to find out if there is enough interest from the community of how Sedgebrook would be developed.
Chairman/Clerk Action: to organise a message to go out to the community and to see what response is received.
The County Councillor (who is also a Parish Councillor at Barrowby) said that Barrowby had started their Neighbourhood Plan too late. They are making progress and have got to the stage of circulating a questionnaire out to the parishioners. The Parish Council asked for a committee of people with specialist knowledge and also applied for a grant for £9000 as professionals have to be employed. LALC and Community Lincs will also help with advice. You need a committee of 4 – 6 specialist people eg a surveyor, a person specialising in contracts. SKDC are proposing 650 new homes to be built a year over the next 5 years. Sedgebrook is not on SKDC’s Local Plan for development at the moment.
County Councillor Action: to pass on the details of the “leader” of Barrowby’s Neighbourhood Plan Committee.

14     Defibrillator – update and proposed Annual Training Scheme – a villager was happy to run two sessions a year, as needed to train people on the use of the defibrillator at no cost.
Clerk Action: to see the response via the village email for a training session lasting 2 hours in the New Year.

15     Result of the Best Kept Village & Small Town Competition 2019

15.1   The Clerk reported that Sedgebrook had scored 114 points out of 150 in the competition – the score sheet has been uploaded to the website.

16      Phone Kiosk – to ask parishioners on their preferred use for the phone box
The Parish Council agreed to circulate parishioners via the village email on their preference for the phone kiosk.
Clerk Action: to organise a circular.

17      Remembrance Soldier Silhouette for the Village Green – to discuss quotations – the Clerk had received two out of three requested quotations. It was resolved to wait until early in the New Year to see if funds would be available for the company quoting £490 plus VAT.
Clerk Action: to put the item on January’s meeting’s agenda.

18      Finance (The Clerk)

18.1a Verification of bank statement/bank reconciliation – Cllr Denton verified the bank statements and bank reconciliation figures.

18.1b Half-Yearly Accounts up to 30 September 2019 – the accounts had been circulated with a brief explanation by the Clerk.

18.1c New Bank Mandate – update – HSBC had received the new mandate but nothing further has been heard regarding authorisation of the change of signatories.
Clerk Action: to enquire if the change of signatories has now been effected.

18.2   Discuss and agree Budget and Precept for the year ending 31 March 2021
The Clerk had circulated draft figures. Following discussion, it was resolved to increase the Precept by the rate of inflation ie 2%.

18.3   Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community cleaner up to the 30 September 2019.

18.4   Payment – Parish Clerk - it was resolved to pay the Clerk up to 30 September 2019.

18.5   Payment – P E Hempstead and Sons – it was resolved to pay for the grass cutting completed during September 2019.

18.6   Payment – it was resolved to pay LALC for the attendance of the Vice Chairman to the AGM and Conference on the 15 October 2019.

19      Items to be discussed at the next meeting:

19.1   Emergency Plan
(Please note that any additional agenda items are to be emailed to the Clerk by the given deadline.)

20     To resolve whether to exclude the public and press for consideration of the following confidential staffing matter

21     To discuss the Clerk’s Contract of Employment/arrangements relating to the Clerk’s post.

22     Date of next meeting:

                                             Thursday 28 November 2019

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.