Minutes - 26 September 2019

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council Meeting
held at 8.00 pm on Thursday 26 September 2019 in Sedgebrook Social Club

Present: Chairman C Wood, Vice Chairman G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby, and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk) together with 11 members of the public and County Councillor M Whittington.

1      Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed and thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

2      Apologies for absence and reasons given – apologies were received from Cllr M Shennan and the reasons for her non-attendance was accepted by the Parish Council. Apologies were also received from District Councillor P Bosworth.

3      To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.

Declarations of Interest were received from Vice Chairman G Mahoney and relating to item 9.2 (Planning Application No S19/0911).

4      Notes of the last meeting held on 4 July 2019
The notes of the last meeting, held on 4 July 2019, were approved and signed by the Chairman as being a true record.

5      Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding not covered by the agenda

5.1   Training - the Clerk had attended Data Protection and Freedom of Information training on the 24 September 2019. All, including mobile, devices used to access Parish Council emails should be password coded to prevent unauthorised access and potential breeches of GDPR.

5.2    Flood Information – Cllr Shennan is currently unable to act as an emergency contact – Vice Chairman G Mahoney volunteered to temporarily fill the post.
Clerk Action: to update the notice and place on the notice board and update the details on the website.

5.3    Parish Councillors’ Email Addresses to be published on the website – the Parish Council resolved that the Clerk remain the main contact for the Parish Council with Cllr J Denton to be the “emergency” contact.
Clerk Action: To upload the information to the website.

6       Correspondence

6.1     Lincolnshire County Council informed the Parish Council of a temporary restriction on for the Half Marathon on the 8 September 2019.
6.2     Lincolnshire County Council gave details of essential maintenance works by Network Rail at the Allington Level Crossing on Allington Lane on the 12 September 2019.
6.3     HSBC sent a mandate for Local Authorities which they require completion for change of signatories.
6.4     LALC are holding a Conference and Annual General Meeting on the 15 October 2019.
6.5     SKDC updated the Register of Electors.
6.6     Allington News sent a copy of their August/September issue.
6.7     To Western Power Distribution giving thanks for fitting bird diverter spikes onto the power lines in School Lane.
6.8     SKDC sent a copy of the Monthly Update report of the Register of Electors.
6.9     LALC Community Collaboration Project regarding Local Council Clustering asking those Councils interested to attend a meeting.      

6.10   Allington Twinning Association had sent details of a visit from Tuffé on Thursday 21st May until the morning of the 24th May – the Association are looking for host families from both Allington and Sedgebrook.                                                                                          

6.11   Correspondence had been received from a parishioner requesting a village war memorial (in addition to the church clock). 'The Parish Council agreed that the proposal was valid, and Councillors would take soundings from parishioners to establish the overall view of the village on this matter. In the meantime, the Clerk would research the availability and price of suitable monuments.

Clerk Action: to source an appropriate memorial.

7       Public Forum
7.1    A Social Club Committee member informed the meeting that enough money had been raised for a memorial bench to be positioned at the front of the Social Club. Building suppliers are donating some slabs for a patio at the front of the Club and the area will incorporate a plaque in memory of Barry Nicholls.
7.2    Village Street Drain – in answer to enquiries regarding the drain lid on Village Street which “clicks” when you drive over it, the Vice Chairman informed the meeting work was due to be completed by the 19th November.
Clerk Action: to put the item on the agenda of the 28 November 2019.
7.3     The Chairman moved Item 9.3 to this stage of the meeting - Planning Application No: S19/0063 – Amended Plans Information for Submitted Application – Erection of 1 two-storey dwelling and double garage – land adjacent to Chestnut Farm Barns, Village Street – Decision dated 4 September 2019 – parishioners were concerned about the approved plans of the building which they felt were not in keeping with the rest of the adjacent buildings. They thanked the Parish Council for their support. The decision had recorded the Parish Council had not made a submission. The Parish Council had electronically submitted their response on the 31st August and this response had been left in an email box which had been forgotten about. SKDC had admitted to their failure to take into account the response the Parish Council when making their decision to grant the planning permission. The Chairman, on behalf of the Parish Council, had made a formal complaint to SKDC stating the Local Planning Authority had failed to deal with its consultation response in the correct manner. A second formal complaint was also made to SKDC whereby the Local Planning Authority made amendments to a published public report without making reference to the change, when it was made and why. All copies of correspondence relating to the planning application S19/0063 had been requested by the Parish Council under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Parishioners also reported that some of the residents, who were affected by the proposed dwelling, had not received any notification regarding the amended plans - no notice had been displayed on the gate either; parishioners had sent in their concerns to SKDC.
The Chairman said the Parish Council would await SKDC’s reply to the formal complaints. A parishioner enquired if the neighbourhood’s objections on the building plans would be reported to the estate agent and passed onto potential buyers of the dwelling. It was noted that, as the new owner would have valid planning permission for the dwelling, it could not be over-turned unless there was an independent Judicial Review.
8       Highways (The Vice Chairman 8.2-8.5)
8.1     Update – the Chairman had nothing further to report.
8.2     Historic Church and Museum Brown Sign – to be positioned on the A52/Sedgebrook turn – to discuss the funding and proposed position of the sign
Clerk Action: The Clerk to contact St Lawrence Church’s PCC for an update on the proposed signage.
8.3     Community Speed Watch update – the Vice Chairman reported on “Project Edward Day” (which was today) whereby every Community Speed Watch team were operating - Sedgebrook’s Community team measured 13 vehicles which were speeding. It was reported that 5000 first official letters have already been sent out, 200 second official letters have been issued and 27 people will be having official visits.
8.4     Concern of a parishioner regarding nursery staff crossing the Allington Road with the children. A parishioner was concerned with the nursery staff having to cross the road with children and double buggies One of the nursery staff stands in the middle of the road to make sure it is safe for them to cross. The  Nursery staff would have completed a Risk Assessment. It was suggested that two “children crossing” warning signs could be erected.
Cllr Action: The Chairman and County Councillor would discuss the matter to see what could be achieved.
8.5     Road Signs on the A52 – Denton sign is bent and the “z-bend” sign has come off its post – the Vice Chairman reported that the Denton sign has now been straightened. With regards to the “z-bend” sign, if the Vice Chairman sends all the information to the Clerk, she will report the matter to Highways England.
Vice Chairman Action: Details of the damaged sign to be sent the Clerk.
9       Planning (Chairman)
9.1     Update – SKDC Planning had sent details of a Tree Preservation Order – removal of 4 branches of a chestnut tree at 4 Whatton’s Close – no comments had been sent to SKDC.
9.2     Planning Application No: S19/0911 – outline permission for residential development comprising of 5 dwellings with approval sought for access – representations had been sent to SKDC raising a number of concerns. It was noted the decision will remain undetermined as there is a flood risk assessment and also an environmental assessment which need to be completed. The County Councillor informed the meeting of a national shortage of planning officers – normally there are 30 applications to process but currently there are more than 80 planning applications.
9.3     Planning Application No: S19/00673 – Amended Plans Information for Submitted Application – Erection of 1 two-storey dwelling and double garage – land adjacent to Chestnut Farm Barns, Village Street – Decision dated 4 September 2019 – see item 7.2 - Public Forum.
10      Recreation Field (Vice Chairman 10.1, 10.2, 10.4 & 10.5/Cllr C Warby 10.3)
10.1   Update – Nothing additional to update.
10.2   Recreation Field Play Area – to discuss quotations obtained for separating the play area with a fence and the creation of a flower meadow combining the area for dogs to run free – opinions of villagers to be obtained – The Vice Chairman had received three quotations for metal fencing which was too expensive for the Parish Council to consider. Two out of three quotations had been received for wooden fencing to be installed around the play area. It was resolved to leave the item regarding the creation of a flower meadow consultation until Cllr Shennan returns.
10.3   Security Post – to discuss – Cllr Warby has obtained a substantial security post with three keys. A villager will be put the post into position free of charge.
Cllr Action: Cllr Warby to distribute the keys.
10.4   Playground update re Birds Nest Swing Seat re recent letter from KOMPAN – KOMPAN had informed the Parish Council of the problems they are having some of the single shackles which were disconnecting and had recommended repairing them with glue. The Vice Chairman had contacted KOMPAN and requested they rectify the problem as our swing seat was still under warranty. To date KOMPAN have not replied. It was resolved to await the findings of the annual inspection.
10.5    A parishioner was thanked by the Parish Council for volunteering to put some topsoil into the hole which had appeared underneath the table in the play area.
10.6    Annual Playground Inspection – Play Inspections to carry out playground inspection in December?
The Parish Councillors resolved to accept Play Inspections offer to carry out the annual inspection.
Clerk Action: to contact Play Inspection.
11      Footpaths (Cllr C Warby 10.3/Vice Chairman 11.1)
11.1   Footpath PF6 – corner of Village Street which meets School Lane – over-growing nettles
The Clerk had contacted the Senior Countryside Officer who was arranging for the route to be cleared again and the broken stile will be repaired.


11.2   Verge Cutting – to discuss adding verge cutting from the Dog-training field towards the A52 on School Lane – the Parish Councillors agreed to request a quotation from P E Hempsteads & Sons to cut the verge just past the 30 mph sign to the gate at the dog training field.
Councillor Action: Cllr Warby to speak with P E Hempstead Sons and to request a quotation.

11.3   Tree on the Green – Cllr Warby had obtained a quotation from Arboretum Tree & Garden Services – it was unanimously resolved to accept the quotation of £240 so that the chestnut tree on The Green could be pruned away from the power line and they would also deadwood the tree.
Cllr Action: Cllr Warby to contact Arboretum Tree & Garden Services.
11.4  School Lane Powerlines - Western Power had completed the fitting of the spikes to the power lines to deter pigeons and doves sitting on the power lines and defecating onto the pavement on School Lane.
12     Neighbourhood Plan
12.1  To discuss results of previous village questionnaireT
The Parish Council would await the results of Vice Chairman Mahoney attending the LALC Conference on the 15 October 2019.
Clerk Action: to add the item to the next meeting’s agenda.
13     LALC Conference and AGM 2019 – 15 October 2019 from 9 am to 3 pm – workshops on Emergency Planning, PREVENT (counter terrorism and extremism) Neighbourhood Planning – interested in attending?
Vice Chairman Mahoney will be attending the meeting.
Clerk Action: to book her attendance at the meeting.
13.1   Parishioner wishing to attend Neighbourhood planning talk at the Bentley Hotel on 15th October. Would he be supported by the Parish Council? A parishioner had expressed an interest in attending the Neighbourhood Planning talk at the LALC Conference and had enquired as to whether the Parish Council would be supportive. The Parish Council was considering the overall implications of developing a Neighbourhood Plan and would be awaiting some further clarification on this from various sources including from the LALC meeting. County Councillor Whittington informed the meeting, based upon his County experience and that as a Parish Councillor at Barrowby, that the development of a Neighbourhood Plan is very expensive and time-consuming, and it could take between two to five years to complete. Fundamentally it would not stop the District Council in allowing housing to be built. The parishioner however, felt something should be done regarding neighbourhood planning for the village and was seeking Parish Council support. The Parish Council would further consider if they would go ahead with a Neighbourhood Plan following the Vice Chairman’s attendance at the LALC meeting.
14     Annual Grant Award – to discuss application/s – the Parish Councillors considered awarding a grant to go towards the printing and publication of the Saxonwell Group Parish News magazine. Following discussion and with reference to the approved policy on this matter it was agreed by all Councillors that unfortunately on this occasion the request did not fulfil the criteria set out in the policy document. Therefore, the Parish Council would not be able to make on a grant payment on this occasion.
Clerk Action: to inform the Treasurer of Saxonwell Group Parish News of the decision.
15     Defibrillator (Vice Chairman) – update and proposed Annual Training Session
15.1  The Vice Chairman had arranged for a Paramedic (who is also a villager) to check over the defibrillator. The Parish Council purchased replacement parts which had now been fitted and the defibrillator was serviced free of charge and a monthly check of the equipment would be made.
Clerk Action: to write to the parishioner thanking him for looking after the defibrillator.
15.2   Proposed Annual Training Session – the paramedic runs an annual training session on CPR and using the defibrillator which lasts for 2 hours if there would be enough interest in the village.
Clerk Action: to find out if there is a charge involved.
16     Phone Kiosk (Vice Chairman) suggested use by a parishioner
It had been suggested that the phone kiosk could be used for villagers to “advertise” swopping or gifting unused items. The Chairman reminded the meeting that the villagers had originally voted to use the kiosk as a “library”. It was then planned to move the defibrillator to the kiosk but, due to incorrect power supply, the defibrillator has had to remain on the Social Club wall.
Clerk Action: to put the item on the agenda of the next meeting so that it is circulated around the villagers again for their suggestions.
17      Finance (The Clerk)
17.1a  Verification of bank statement/bank reconciliation – Cllr Denton verified the bank statements and bank reconciliation figures.
17.1b  New Bank Mandate – HSBC had sent a further form to be completed in order for the bank mandate to be altered to allow Cllr Warby to sign cheques.
Clerk Action: to deliver the completed form to HSBC for their authorisation.
17.2   Financial Regulations 2019 – to be agreed and adopted – the Parish Councillors agreed to the updated Financial Regulations of 2019 and resolved to adopt them.
Clerk Action: to circulate the adopted copy to the Parish Councillors.
17.3   Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community cleaner up to the 30 September 2019.
17.4   Payment – Parish Clerk - it was resolved to pay the Clerk up to 31 August 2019.
17.5   Payment – Parish Clerk – it was resolved to pay the Clerk £51 for the use of her internet and telephone from 1 April 2018 to the 31 August 2019.
17.6   Payment – P E Hempstead and Sons – it was resolved to pay for the grass cutting completed during July and August 2019
17.7   Payment of £100.80 to Safelincs Ltd for the replacement kit for the defibrillator – this had been resolved and payment made to Safelincs Ltd.
17.8   Payment of £75.97 to SKDC for uncontested election costs for Sedgebrook Parish – this had been resolved and payment made.
17.9   It was resolved to pay Viking £82.61 for office stationery.
18     Items to be discussed at the next meeting: Nothing to be added.
19     Dates of meetings for 2020:
Thursday 9 January 2020
Thursday 20 February 2020
Thursday 26 March 2020
Thursday 14 May 2020 - Annual Parish Meeting
Thursday 28 May 2020 – Annual Parish Council Meeting
Thursday 2 July 2020
Thursday 10 September 2020
Thursday 22 October 2020 (waiting for confirmation of the availability of the Social Club Hall)
Thursday 26 November 2020
Clerk Action: as soon as confirmation is received, the Clerk to circulate the dates.
17     Date of next meeting: Thursday 31 October 2019 (starting at 7 pm)
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.38 pm.