Minutes from Parish Council Meeting held Wednesday 4 December 2024 at 2.30 pm
Present: The Chair G Mahoney, The Vice Chair C Warby, Cllr C Wood, Cllr J Denton, County Councillor Mark Whittington and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer).
1 Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. The new drainage dykes seem to be working and all the working dykes on the A52 are full to the brim. Both the Chairman and Clerk had attended the Belvoir Ward Briefing on 22 November. The guest panel included Gareth Davies MP, Cllr Martin Hill OBE, Cllr Phil Dilks (SKDC Planning), Marc Jones (Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner) and Inspector Mark Hilson, Community Policing Team. The Community Speed Watch team will be getting the occasional visit from a police motorbike rider who will support the team.
2 Apologies for absence and reasons given – None.
3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011 – none.
4 Notes of the last meeting
The notes of the last meeting, held on 5 September 2024, were approved as being a true record, and were signed by the Chairman.
5 Correspondence
5.1 Confirmation had been received from SKDC saying that Cllr Warby’s Pecuniary Interests form had been updated and republished on their website.
5.2 SKDC sent details of their SK Community Awards.
5.3 DC Rob Leadenham informed us that the Government have announced the extension to the Household Support Fund to 31 March 2025.
5.4 SKDC sent details of the Nature Biodiversity Projects Scheme which the projects will now be 100% refunded.
5.5 Reply from LCC, Countryside Services regarding the footpath from Abbey Lane to Church Lane.
5.6 Updated quotation for the work on the trees had been received from Manor Farm Tree Services Ltd.
5.7 A letter from Lincs Police regarding the safety and security of elected members.
5.8 The Senior Countryside Officer from LCC had asked residents to cut the ivy back on the footpath between Abbey Lane and Church Lane.
5.9 LCC sent correspondence regarding the devolution of Lincolnshire and the new Mayor of Lincolnshire to be elected next May.
5.10 HSBC are reducing their savings account interest rates with effect from the 21 October 2024.
5.11 Overhanging tree branches touching the overhead cables were reported to Western Power on The Green and outside The Old Grammar School. If the electricity had to be turned off, the repair work was requested in the warmer weather.
5.12 SKDC had sent their Monthly Update report for the Electoral Register.
5.13 Revised quotation for the seesaw had been requested from KOMPAN.
5.14 Details of the next Belvoir Ward Briefing to be held on the 22 November 2024.
5.15 Confirmation received from Manor Farm Tree Services that the work on the trees will be completed on the 30 January 2025.
5.16 Updated quotation received from KOMPAN for the seesaw repair.
5.17 SKDC’s Remittance Advice for the Community Cleaner Grant.
5.18 The October/November 2024 issue of Allington News.
5.19 Information Commissioner’s Office – Data Protection – details of their Annual Fee of £35 to be paid by Direct Debit on or before the 26 November 2024.
5.19 Information on the next Community Speed Watch Training to be held on 2 December 2024.
5.20 SKDC sent documentation on the 2025-26 Parish Precept Requirements to be completed and returned by the 17 January 2025.
5.21 LALC sent their revised Terms of Reference for their Internal Audit Service 2024-2025 which required signing before an Internal Auditor can be assigned to us. It was unanimously agreed that the Terms of Reference be accepted and signed. Clerk Action: to complete and return the signed form to LALC.
5.22 Lincolnshire Police Neighbourhood Policing Priority Setting Meetings – the Parish Council was asked to select up to three priorities and the priorities selected at the meeting held on the 18 December, will form part of the decision process for each Neighbourhood Policing Area. Clerk Action: to complete the form and email to Lincs Police with illegal off-roading as priority one and speeding on major and minor roads (driver behaviour) as priority two.
5.23 Clear Councils Insurance (our insurers) announced they are now in partnership with Ecclesiastical.
5.24 Details of the Vistry Public Consultation Event on the 21 November 2024 regarding land north of the A52, West of the A1 Grantham. The County Councillor had attended the meeting and the proposed land is down the hill from Barrowby and behind the two houses on the right. Two entrances going into the site were proposed – one just past the hill and one further down and into a roundabout. Vistry had previously tried to get into the SKDC Local Plan but were unsuccessful due to Highways objections and flooding issues. SKDC’s housing allowance has now been increased from 600 per annum to nearly a 1000 per annum. Vistry are trying to get into the new SKDC Local Plan but they are currently having cash flow problems – they have stopped building on Barrowby Road and their houses are not selling.
6 Public Forum – County Councillor Mark Whittington apologised for his lack of action regarding the A52 issues which was because of his recent illness. He has now spoken with Gareth Davies MP, National Highways and he will be speaking with Richard Davies of Lincs County Council. They will be joining up with Leicestershire County Council and he will be speaking with the Rt Hon Edward Argar, MP for Melton Mowbray. The Parish Councillors would be interested to know what a temporary reduction in the speed limit from 50 mph to 40 mph would achieve, prior to any final decision being made; this would take into account any implications to the traffic flow.
7 Dyke/ditch overgrown and full of debris located on the east side of Village Street/Allington Road – following discussion, it was agreed to get a freedom of information request to Lincs CC requesting an extract from their maintenance plan showing the extent of their adopted highway. To also contact the Leader of the Local Lead Authority their view of the purpose of the two ditches to the east and the west sides of Village Street/Allington Road.
8 Highways
8.1 A52 Safety Meeting – any update? See item No 6, Public Forum.
8.2.i Flood Sax – details of access to the flood sax (which are stored in the church) had been circulated around the village.
8.2.ii Community Resilience Programme – invitation to join – for discussion – as we are a small Parish Council and we are restricted in finances, the Parish Council resolved not to join the Community Resilience Programme. The responsibility lies with the District and County Council and not with the Parish Council.
8.2.iii The Flood Information notice to be updated. Clerk: to action.
9 Planning Applications
9.1 None.
10 Footpaths – see item 5.8 (Correspondence)
11 The Green – the Green has been looking really good this year especially the hornbeam tree and the planters.
12 Recreation Field - see items 13.4 and 13.5 – Finance.
13 Finance (The Clerk)
13.1 Details of income and outgoings since the last meeting as per the bank statements as at 5 November 2024 – we received the Community Cleaner Grant of £463.22 and, following payments to the Clerk, Community Cleaner and P E Hempstead, the balance to c/f as at the 5 November was £11882.65. The current balance is £11779.85. Following receipt of interest, the balance of the Deposit Account is £18543.34.
13.2 Half-yearly accounts as at the 30 September 2024 – the half-yearly accounts had been circulated. It was noted that the hire of the hall was £46 less than YE 31 March 2024. The Insurance and Audit was above budget by £30. The office expenses were well below budget – further supplies were required. The budget figures to be adjusted at the next quarter end 31 December 2024. Clerk Action: to upload the quarterly transactions to the website and to order A4 paper and ink cartridges for the PC Printer.
13.3 Verification of Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliations – the documentation was verified by Cllr Jane Denton.
13.4 To discuss original and revised quotations for the repair of the seesaw – a quotation to break out and reset the seesaw and to repair the existing surfacing was £1569.22 (including VAT). Following discussion, it was resolved to obtain further clarification from KOMPAN prior to the repair of the seesaw. Chair Action: to send a draft of the wording required to the Clerk.
13.5 Revised quotation for the work on the trees in the Recreation Field – a revised quotation from Manor Tree Farm Services for the work on the trees in the Recreation Field was £550. This quotation was unanimously accepted by the Parish Councillors.
13.6 To discuss the following:
13.6.1 Any limitations/penalties on transferring funds to and from the deposit and current bank accounts? There is a single payment limit of £5000 and a daily payment limit of £5000 giving a combined daily maximum of £10000. No mention made of any limit of transfers between accounts.
13.6.2 The amount to transfer to the deposit account towards replacement play equipment – it was unanimously resolved to transfer £3000 to the deposit account. Clerk Action: to arrange the transfer.
The net cost of the repair to the seesaw will be transferred from the deposit account at the appropriate time.
13.6.3 To set aside money in the deposit account for general reserve – to discuss – following discussion it was resolved to transfer the brought forward figure from the 1 April 2024 of £3973.34. Clerk Action: to arrange and to highlight this amount in the accounts.
13.6.4 Defibrillator – replacement pads/battery – delivery time – as there were no delays in deliveries the Clerk to put the item on the agenda of January’s meeting. Clerk Action: to check the price and add to the next meeting’s agenda.
13.6.5 Defibrillator Glass – were Allington PC interested in purchasing? Allington PC were not interested in purchasing our defibrillator glass. We also had an enquiry from Allington Village Hall but our glass was not suitable for their requirements.
13.6.6 Draft budget for YE 31 March 2026 to be discussed – the defibrillator replacement parts were included in this year’s expenses. The Vat refunded includes the Vat for the repair of the seesaw and defibrillator parts. The cost of the trees had been added to this year’s probable costs. As there was no refresher playground equipment training this year, this was added onto the budget figures for YE 31 March 2026. The bank charges have been kept to £5 per month, so hopefully HSBC won’t increase their charges. The grass cutting has been kept to £1850 but this depends on weather conditions as to whether the grass is cut. Figures of 2% - £13355, 3% - £13490 and 5% - £13750 had been circulated with the proposed budget figures. It was unanimously agreed to request a precept of 3% for the year end 31 March 2026 which will give the Parish Council a £400 increase of £13490 from last year’s precept amount of £13090. Clerk Action: to complete the precept application form and email to SKDC. The Clerk was asked to arrange a list of software used by the Parish Council (this to be diarised for the YE 31 March 2027 budget). The Clerk to upload the budget figures for YE 31 March 2026 to the website.
13.6.7 Auditor – LALC’s Terms of Reference had been received. As our current electorate is 282 the fees for an Internal Auditor are £165 (plus £10 for each additional service audited). The Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to the terms of the letter of engagement. Clerk Action: to complete and sign the form and return to LALC.
13.8 Payments List for Authorisation
£ |
13.8.1 |
Community Cleaner |
Pay for October |
Basic pay £104 |
102.60 |
13.8.2 |
Clerk |
Pay for October |
Basic pay £426.30 + £27.00 light/heat/internet + mileage £71.91 |
£439.81 |
13.8.3 |
P E Hempstead & Sons |
Grass cutting |
During September 2024 |
£141.24 |
13.8.4 |
Community Cleaner |
Pay for November |
Basic pay £104 |
£102.80 |
13.8.5 |
Clerk |
Pay for November |
Basic pay £426.30 + £27.00 light/heat/internet |
£368.10 |
13.8.6 |
P E Hempstead & Sons |
Grass cutting |
During October 2024 |
£282.48 |
13.8.7 |
Sedgebrook Social Club |
Hire of Room |
18 July, 5 Sept and 27 Nov 2024 |
£72.00 |
13.9 Review of Community Cleaner’s hourly rate – Real Living Wage – from 1st November 2024? Following discussion, it was unanimously agreed to increase the Community Cleaner’s hourly rate in line with the Real Living Wage from the 1 November 2024. Clerk Action: to write to the Community Cleaner and to apply the increase.
13.10 To resolve whether to exclude the public and press for consideration of the following confidential staffing matter – no public in attendance.
13.11 Clerk’s salary to be discussed – details to be minuted separately
14 Items for the next meeting – to see if Anglian Water had replied to our previous requests for an update on the WaStop Valve together with a copy the promised data map.
15 Date of the next meeting:-
9 January 2025