Minutes of SPC Meeting held 5 September 2024
Present: The Chair G Mahoney, The Vice Chair C Warby, Cllr C Wood, Cllr J Denton and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer).
1 Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Both the Chairman and Clerk had attended SKDC’s Parish Council Forum the night before.
2 Apologies for absence and reasons given – District Councillors Robert Leadenham and Pam Bosworth.
3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011 – none.
3.1 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Form – Cllr Warby updated her form due to a change in circumstances. Clerk Action: to send a copy to SKDC.
4 Notes of the last meeting held on 18 July 2024
The notes of the last meeting, held on 18 July 2024, were approved as being a true record, and were signed by the Chairman.
5 Correspondence
5.1 Letter regarding an overhanging branch into the Recreation Field from a tree owned by The Manor. See item 14.4.
5.2 Copies of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests for all Parish Councillors were sent to Democracy Dept at SKDC. A copy of the Acceptance of Office for the position of Chairman for Gill Mahoney was also sent.
5.3 To and from National Highways regarding the advertising boards placed on the A52 which have been removed.
5.4 SKDC sent their monthly update reports for the Electoral Register.
5.5 SKDC asked for views on how they deal with contaminated land across the district.
5.6 To and from Kompan with a quotation for a new seesaw - further clarification had been received. See item 14.3.
5.7 Emails received from Leisure SK - Save a Life Sessions - FREE Adult CPR and Defibrillator Training - September - December 2024.
5.8 SKDC sent details about an affordable food hub which is launching in South Kesteven to help people on a budget.
5.9 Temporary traffic restriction – highway refurbishment – road closure on Sewstern Lane from the 2 September to the 25 October 2024.
5.10 The Environmental Agency sent details of scheduled maintenance in the parish which is being carried out by the Internal Drainage Board.
5.11 Allington News – August/September 2024’s edition. The deadline for next issue is the 20 September.
5.12 District Councillor Rob Leadenham had sent details of Community Speed Watch Training at Allington Village Hall on the 28 August 2024.
5.13 HSBC have reduced their interest rate on their Savings Accounts.
5.14 Melton Borough Council sent details of the proposed Full Planning Application for the construction of a Solar Farm at Muston Lane, Easthorpe. An inspector has been appointed – a Public Inquiry to be held from Tuesday 10th to Friday 13th September and Tuesday 17th to Wednesday 18th September 2024.
5.15 Parishioners had sent details of their claim for adverse possession of highways land and the boundary of 7 Church Lane. A reply had been sent.
5.16 LCC informed the PC of the objections to the proposed prohibition of driving on The Drift/Sewstern Lane which were overruled and the scheme would be implemented from September onwards.
6 Public Forum – none.
7 The Manor Walls opposite The Green – they are bowed out and some stones are missing. Concern was raised that some stones were starting to fall out of the wall adjacent to the Church Yard. Clerk Action: to contact Highways.
8 Highways
8.1 A52 Safety Meeting – following the meeting held on the 22 March, we had not heard anything further since the County Councillor’s reply on the 12 July. Clerk Action: to ask the CC if he has spoken to Gareth Davies MP and Highways.
8.2 Flooding – we have received Anglian Water’s FloodSax. Cllr Action: Cllr Chris Warby to speak with the Church Warden regarding storing the FloodSax in the Church. Cllr Denton will try to obtain a pallet as the FloodSax will be better stored off the floor. Clerk Action: to contact Anglian Water for an update on the WaStop Valve together with a copy the promised data map. We are still awaiting a further 20 Flood Sax from LCC. Clerk Action: to send a reminder to Ryan Davies of LCC.
Gary Butler of National Highways had confirmed that the culvert, which runs adjacent to the A52 then under Village Street/Allington Road, has now been jetted clear and is now flowing. The drainage clearance/survey of the A52 between Belvoir and the A1 will commence mid-September. S19 Investigations update – there are currently 810 investigations of which 557 have been completed and 258 are ongoing.
9 Planning Applications
9.1 None.
10 Footpaths – the issue of overgrowing greenery in the Abbey Lane/Church Lane footpath has been reported to Andy Savage, the Senior Countryside Officer.
Cllr Warby commented on the overhanging hedge of Abbey Cottage on Abbey Lane.
11 The Green – the tree is looking really well and all the watering completed last year has paid off.
11a Cllr Warby has noticed that Allington are putting a defibrillator into their phone kiosk and they don’t have any glass at the top of the kiosk. Some time ago we purchased defibrillator glass for our kiosk but this wasn’t used as we were unable to install our defibrillator. Cllr Actions: Cllr Warby will enquire if Allington would like to buy our glass. Cllr Denton will locate the defibrillator glass.
12 Recreation Field
12.1 The Chair had given the Clerk her quarterly inspection report of the playground equipment. The Chair had been unable to go onto the refresher Playground Inspection Course via LALC. Clerk Action: to see when the next course is held.
13 To review/adopt the following:-
13.1 Co-option Policy – following a review, it was unanimously agreed to adopt the Co-option Policy. Clerk Action: to upload a copy to the website.
14 Finance (The Clerk)
14.1 Details of income and outgoings since the last meeting as per the bank statements as at the 5 August 2024:
Current Account: No income had been received. Following payments, including the HMRC PAYE payment of £259.40, LALC for the Internal Audit £180 and the hire of the Social Club Hall of £108, the balance to carry forward as at the 5 August 2024 was £14214.62. The current balance as at the 5 September is £13408.24.
Deposit Account: The balance as at the 5 August remained at £18,484.08.
14.2 Verification of Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliations – Councillor Jane Denton verified the documentation.
14.3 To discuss the quotation for a new seesaw from KOMPAN – the quotation was £9363.55 (including VAT). Chair Action: to investigate the lifetime warranty of the playground equipment to see if it applies to the wood of our current seesaw. One post wobbles in the foundation on one side of the centre part of the seesaw. It is marked as a category “low” on the Annual Playground Inspection. To repair the current seesaw would be £2142.85 including VAT.
14.4 Quotations obtained for work on the trees in the Recreation Field. Clerk Action: to ask Manor Farm Tree Services Ltd if they had included the trimming of overhanging branch owned by The Manor together with the mixed vegetation to be cleared back to the boundary.
14.5 LALC Audit Service – new fees £165 for a half-yearly audit with short audit at the year end. It was unanimously agreed to ask LALC to provide an auditor. Clerk Action: to email LALC.
14.6 To discuss the following:
14.6.1 The amount to transfer to the deposit account towards replacement play equipment – Clerk Action: to put on the agenda for the next meeting.
14.6.2 To set aside money in the deposit account for general reserves – further clarification was required on the amount we are able to transfer. Cllr Action: Cllr Denton will check the account application documents to see if there are any limitations/penalties on transferring money between our current and deposit accounts.
14.7 Any items to be add to the draft budget for YE 31 March 2026 to be discussed at the next meeting? The defibrillator pads/battery expiry date is the 7 April 2025 so we will need to purchase the pack from this year’s general reserves. A replacement set will cost £241.15 (including VAT). Clerk Action: to request the current delivery time. To add the Chair’s Play Inspection Refresher Course to the budget. and to arrange the draft budget for the next meeting.
14.8 Payments List for Authorisation:-
INVOICE/ PAYSLIP REF (copy attached) |
£ |
14.6.1 |
PE Hempstead & Sons |
Grass Cutting |
During July 2024 |
282.48 |
14.6.2 |
Community Cleaner |
Pay for September |
Basic pay £104 |
102.60 |
14.6.3 |
Clerk |
Pay for September |
Basic pay £426.30 + £27.00 light/heat/internet |
367.90 |
14.6.4 |
¼ end 30.6.2024 |
259.80 |
14.6.5 |
P E Hempstead & Sons |
Grass Cutting |
During August 2024 |
282.48 |
15 Items for the next meeting:
15.1 To discuss the budget for YE 31 March 2025
16 Dates of meetings to be held in 2025 were agreed as follows:-
9 January 2025
13 March 2025
8 May 2025 Annual Meeting for Parishioners
15 May 2025 APC Meeting
10 July 2025
4 September 2025 (following the meeting this was altered to 11 September)
13 November 2025
Clerk Action: to contact the Club Secretary to book the hall.
16 Date of the next meeting:- 14 November 2024