Minutes - 10 September 2020

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Virtual Meeting
held at 7.00 pm on Thursday 10 September 2020

Present: Chairman C Wood, Vice Chairman G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer).

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Virtual Meeting of the Parish Council which commenced at 19:12 hrs.

1 Apologies for absence and reasons given – apologies were received from District Councillor Pamela Bosworth.

2 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.
The Vice Chairman declared an interest in item 8.2 Planning Application No S20/1247 – Westholme. The Chairman disclosed an interest in item 8.3 Planning Ap[plication No: S20/1265 – Whattons Close

3 Notes of the last virtual meeting held on 18 June 2020
The notes of the last meeting, held on 18 June 2020, were approved, and will be signed by the Chairman at the earliest opportunity.
Chairman Action: to sign the notes.

4 Correspondence

4.1 SKDC sent June’s update report on the Register of Electors.

4.2 PK Littlejohn acknowledged receipt of our notification of exempt status for the year ended 31 March 2020 which will mean that there will not be a review performed.

4.3 SKDC sent a Notification of Planning Application No S20/1209 regarding alterations to convert the conservatory into a summer room with flat roof in order to aid maintenance to main building at Cambria Cottage, Village Street. The deadline for representations from the Parish Council was the 18 August 2020.

4.4 SKDC sent a Notification of Planning Application No S20/1247 – two storey side extension, conversion of existing garage and garage extension (new double garage) at Westholme, Allington Road. The deadline of 25th August for the Parish Council’s representations.

4.5 Lincolnshire County Council wrote informing the Parish Council that the visibility restricted Public Footpath No 11 leading onto Village Street, will be investigated and resolved by 29th September 2020.

4.6 A Notification of Planning Application No S20/1265 was received from SKDC for the replacement of existing wooden shed with wood framed greenhouse and replacement of existing greenhouse with manufactured wood garden room at 12 Whattons Close. The deadline for notifications is the 28th August.

4.7 A copy of August/September 2020 edition of Allington News had been received.

4.8 SKDC had sent the Monthly Update Report – Register of Electors for August 2020.

4.9 SKDC sent details and notice of a consultation they are undertaking in respect of Public Space Protection Orders – consultation closes on 11 September 2020.

4.10 SKDC sent the Monthly Update Report – Register of Electors for September 2020.

4.11 Lincolnshire Assn of Local Councils sent their Annual Report for 2019/20.

4.12 SKDC had granted planning permission for alterations to convert the conservatory into a summer
room with flat roof at Cambria Cottage, Village Street subject to conditions.

4.13 Highways England had sent notification of essential maintenance works on the A1 Southbound
Newark Gonerby Moor – they plan to survey the area on Monday 19 October and Tuesday 20
October between 9 pm and 6 am. The southbound carriageway will be fully closed during this time.

4.14 HSBC sent information on changes to their terms and conditions, pricing and services.
The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated since the 18 June

5 Resolutions Approved by Email due to Sedgebrook Parish Council being unable to meet due
to Coronavirus – Nos 19 – 28 – to note

5.21 (Resolution 21) Payments

5.21.1 It was resolved to pay the Community Cleaner his salary for August.

5.21.2 It was resolved to pay P E Hempstead & Sons £247.32 for the grass cutting completed during July.

5.21.3 It was resolved to pay the Clerk her salary for August 2020.
Clerk Action: to organise the cheques to be signed and posted.

5.22 (Resolution 22) Recreation Field – bins for dog waste – it was resolved to re-request SKDC if they
would empty the waste bins at the Recreation Field at the same time as they emptied the waste bin
on the Village Green.
Clerk Action: to contact SKDC again.

It was unanimously resolved to leave the bins taped up to discourage people from leaving their dog
waste and agreed the Community Cleaner should not be emptying the waste bins on the Recreation

5.23 (Resolution 23) Community Cleaner – return to work – it was proposed that the Community
Cleaner returns to work on the 1st September to pick up the litter but not to empty the recreation
field bins. This was unanimously agreed. A Risk Assessment had been circulated. Cllr Warby to
speak with the Community Cleaner to go over the safety issues and to hand over his PPE.
Clerk Action: to organise a supply of black gloves, packs of hand sanitiser and, a supply of
disposable face masks to be used at the Community Cleaner’s discretion. To inform the Community
Cleaner of his starting date.

5.24 (Resolution 24) Trees – the Parish Council is responsible for organising an annual external and
internal examination of trees. The annual cost of inspections to be factored into the annual budget.
It was resolved that the Clerk checks with the current contractor to see if he has the relevant
qualifications. Clerk Action: to arrange for the tree on the green and the trees in the recreation field
to be inspected. To factor in the cost of the annual inspections to the budget.

5.25 (Resolution 25) Right of Access to the Recreation Field - it was resolved for the Clerk to locate a
copy of the Deeds to the Recreation Field.
Clerk Action: to put the item on the agenda of the next meeting.

5.26 (Resolution 26) Additional “jobs” around the village – eg trimming etc – the Parish Councillors
to put together a list of jobs to request P E Hempstead & Sons to complete from the last grasscutting
session of the season.
Clerk Action: to put on the agenda of the next meeting of the 10th September.

5.27 (Resolution 27) Next Meeting of the Parish Council – following guidelines from NALC it was unanimously agreed the next meeting of the Parish Council would be virtual.
Clerk Action: to cancel the booking of the Social Club Room for the 10th September.

5.28 (Resolution 28) Delegated Powers – the Clerk was requested to look into the advice of LALC regarding delegated powers during normal circumstances compared to delegated powers during lockdown.

6 Highways - Update on reported issues to Fix My Street

6.1 Roadworks partially blocking driveway at Church View, School Lane – the clerk had reported that the temporary fix is beginning to collapse. Highways were going to investigate the drainage along School and/Village Street (why the roadworks were only a temporary fix) and the Parish Council were awaiting a report – the County Councillor had been asked for an update on the report.

6.2 Partially collapsed manhole cover in the grass verge outside Meadowbrook Lodge on Allington Road. This matter had been reported to Highways and the Clerk had been informed the repair had been completed. Cllr Warby reported there had been a traffic cone placed on top of the manhole cover only! The Clerk had informed “Fix my Street” that a repair had not been done. A new update had been received today stating that the repair had now been fixed. Cllr Warby informed the meeting that the broken triangular piece of the manhole cover had still not been repaired and that a cover had been put on a nearby manhole.

6.3 Collapsed drain outside Camino on Allington Road – standing water was continuing to be an issue – a report had been sent to Highways and they were arranging for a repair to be made.

6.4 Visibility restricted on existing footpath no 11/1 onto Village Street – this had been reported to Highways and the Parish Council were informed by the Senior Countryside Officer that the corner of the hedge would be generously cut back as soon as possible.

6.5 Double Bend Sign on Allington Road – obscured by the hedge – this was being investigated.

6.6 Height Restriction sign for the railway bridge is being obscured by a tree (in the garden of Chestnut Lodge) overhanging the footpath in Village Street – this had been reported.

6.7 Overhanging hedge on Village Street starting to obstruct pedestrians – outside Chestnut Lodge. This was being investigated.

6.8 30 mph sign is being obscured on Allington Road due to an overgrown hedge – this had also been reported.

6.9 Streetlight obscured outside Chestnut Farm Barns, Village Street – this has been referred to SKDC who are responsible for the streetlight and will advise us according to the location of the tree which is on the residents’ footpath which was put in by the contractors.
Chairman Action: to write to County Councillor Mark Whittington regarding the unfinished works in the village and the confusing notifications received from Fix My Street.

7 Recreation Field/The Green

7.1 Right of Access to the Recreation Field after checking the Deeds – the Chairman will look out a copy of the Deeds.
Chairman Action: to look for his copy of the Recreation Field Deeds.
Clerk Action: to put the item on the agenda of the next meeting.

7.2 List of “jobs” for P E Hempstead & Sons to complete from the last grass-cutting of the season – there were no jobs which required completing.

7.3 Bulb planting on The Green/Recreation Field – discuss community planting/purchase of bulbs – following discussion it was unanimously agreed not to organise any further planting of bulbs for the time being on The Green (this would cause problems with grass-cutting) or on the Recreation
Field as few villagers would see the bulbs and also the dogs using the field would trample all over them.

8 Planning

8.1 Planning Application No S20/1209 - Cambria Cottage, Village Street – alterations to convert the conservatory into a summer room with a flat roof in order to aid maintenance to main building – no representations were submitted to SKDC.

8.2 Planning Application No S20/1247 – Westholme, Allington Road – two storey side extension, conversion of existing garage and garage extension (new double garage)– representations submitted to SKDC in that the Parish Council had no objection to the proposals subject to consideration given to the impact on the local amenity and neighbouring properties..

8.3 Planning Application No: S20/1265 – 12 Whattons Close – replacement of existing wooden shed with wood framed greenhouse and replacement of existing greenhouse with manufactured wood garden room – the Parish Councillors had no objections to the planning application and representations were sent to SKDC.

9 Tree Management – Risk Assessment

9.1 Annual Inspection – still awaiting a reply from our current contractor regarding a professional inspection and report for insurance purposes on the Tree on The Green and the trees in the Recreation Field. It was noted that there is a large dead tree at the bottom of the field which will need cutting down.
Clerk Action: to telephone the contractor.

9.2 Trees on Whattons Green – concerns were raised from parishioners regarding the overgrown trees on the green in Whattons Close - as the trees are the responsibility of SKDC, the District Councillors were approached. SKDC organise a 3-yearly inspection of the trees and their professional arbortorial team from NKDC will be inspecting the trees in the winter.

9.3 Sycamore tree split on the corner of the A52/School Lane – this had been reported to Fix My Street and, within 36 hours of reporting, the tree had been cut down.

10 Annual Grant Award – to discuss application/s – Saxonwell News had applied for a Grant from the Parish Council. Following discussion, it was unanimously agreed not to award the Grant towards the publication.
Clerk Action: to write informing the Treasurer

11 Community Speed Watch – update – the Community Speed Watch Team Co-ordinator had received an appreciative letter from the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner – almost 11000 registered owners of vehicles had been contacted. It may be possible to allocate a PCSO to each Volunteer Group to give added support. It was noted that traffic is back to pre-Covid-19 levels.

12 Footpaths – Cllr Warby had highlighted concerns raised by a villager about a motorised scooter and bicycle (travelling at some speed) along the footpath linking School Lane to Allington Road. It was noted that motorised vehicles are not allowed on footpaths and the Parish Council would keep the situation under review.
Clerk action: to add the item to the next meeting’s agenda.

13 Parish Council Website – update on new website – the new website is now live and will be updated to comply with the new Accessibility Regulations 2020.

14 Finance (The Clerk)

14.1 Verification of Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliations – Cllr Denton had continued to verify the bank statements with the Bank Reconciliations via post up to the 5 August 2020.

14.2 Discuss and agree Budget and Precept for the year ending 31 March 2022 – the Clerk had circulated a draft budget and it was unanimously agreed that an increase of 1½% or 2% to the Precept would be sufficient to cover the expenses providing a balance of approximately £5000 is carried forward to cover contingencies. This to be resolved at the November meeting so that the Precept can be applied for.
Following discussion, it was resolved to take down the two waste bins in the Recreation Field on a trial basis. The Parish Council would look at providing a new sign requesting residents to take their rubbish home.
Chairman/Councillor Action: Cllr C Warby and the Chairman to take the rubbish bins down.
District Councillor Pam Bosworth had informed the Clerk prior to the meeting that she does have £1000 to be allocated by the end of the year to organisations within the District.
Clerk Action: to put the item on the next meeting’s agenda.

14.3 Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community Cleaner up to the 31 October 2020

14.3.1 PPE – use of gloves supplied – the Clerk to inform the Community Cleaner to use a pair of gloves for a month and then dispose of them.

14.4.1 Payment – Parish Clerk – it was resolved to pay the Clerk the basic payment up to 30 September 2020

14.4.2 Payment – to authorise the refund to the Clerk £30.95 for PPE purchased by the Clerk and supplied to the Community Cleaner – it was resolved to refund the clerk.

14.4.3 To agree mileage payment for Clerk – it was resolved to pay £8.28 for mileage incurred from the 1 April to 10 September.

14.5 Payment – it was resolved for the Clerk to re-issue unpresented cheques (due to Covid-19) to Viking Stationery for £100.73 – Invoice Dated 9 March 2020 and £36.40 – Invoice dated 14 April 2020 – total £137.13

14.6 Payment – it was resolved to make payment to Viking Stationery for office stationery totalling £137.27

15 To resolve whether to exclude the public and press for consideration of the following confidential staffing matter – as no public in attendance, this was not required.

16 To discuss the NALC National Salary Award for the Clerk – it was resolved to pay the Clerk according to the new pay scales for 2020-21 to be implemented from the 1 April 2020.

17 Date of the next meeting:

It was resolved to seek LALC’s advice on holding meetings face-to-face and to contact the Social Club to see if they would allow us to use their facilities to hold our next meeting. If we are unable to meet at the Social Club, the Clerk to organise a subscription to Zoom to continue to temporarily hold meetings virtually.
Clerk Action: to contact the Social Club, LALC and find out the discounted rate for public bodies to subscribe to Zoom

Thursday 22 October 2020 (this will be subject to the guidelines from LALC regarding Covid-19)

The Chairman closed the meeting at 21:05 hrs.