Minutes - 22 October 2020

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Virtual Meeting
held at 7.00 pm on Thursday 22 October 2020

Present: Chairman C Wood, Vice Chairman G Mahoney, Cllr J Denton, Cllr C Warby, County Councillor Mark Whittington and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer).

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Virtual Meeting of the Parish Council which commenced at 19:10 hrs.

1 Apologies for absence and reasons given – no apologies were received.

2 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011.

No declarations of interest were received.

3 Notes of the last virtual meeting held on 10 September 2020

The notes of the last meeting, held on 10 September 2020, were approved, and will be signed by the Chairman at the earliest opportunity.
Chairman Action: to sign the notes and exchange the USB flash drives.

4 Correspondence

4.1 SKDC had granted planning permission for planning application no S20/1247 two storey side extension, conversion of existing garage and garage extension (new double garage) subject to conditions at Westholme, Allington Road, Sedgebrook.

4.2 SKDC had also granted planning permission for planning application no S20/1265 replacement of existing wooden shed with wood framed greenhouse and replacement of existing greenhouse with manufactured wood garden room, subject to conditions at 12 Whattons Close.

4.3 Highways England had notified the Parish Council of essential maintenance works on the A1 Southbound Newark to Gonerby Moor – the area had been surveyed on Monday 19 October and Tuesday 20th October between 9 pm and 6 am.

4.4 Allington News issue for October/November 2020 was received – the next issue’s deadline is Friday 13 November.

4.5 The Information Commissioner’s Office sent details of the annual data protection fee of £35 to be debited from the bank account on the 26 November 2020.

4.6 Details of a Sports Holiday Club proposal had been sent.

4.7 A parishioner had emailed concerning the increase in litter in the Recreation Field and requested that the litter bins be replaced.

4.8 A quotation had been received from Lockhart Garratt for the Tree Risk Assessment.

4.9 A further quotation for the Tree Risk Assessment had been received from Springwood Tree Services Ltd.

The Parish Councillors noted all the correspondence which had been circulated since the 18 September 2020.

5 Public Forum

5.1 County Councillor Mark Whittington had been informed by Lincolnshire County Council that the
road underneath the railway bridge on Allington Road is owned by Network Rail and not by LCC
Highways. The County Councillor requested the Chairman to email the County Councillor informing
him of the “rights of travel” on the road and the duty to maintain the public highway.
Chairman Action: to email the County Councillor.

5.2 In his report, the County Councillor referred to the outstanding highways issues in Sedgebrook and it was agreed that the best way to resolve the issues was to have a “walk around” the village. It was arranged that the County Councillor would meet the Chairman and Vice Chairman on Wednesday 28th October at 2 pm.

The County Councillor informed the meeting that since the 1 April, Highways have had new
contractors. LCC have received additional funding to help with the backlog of problems and, due to
the last couple of mild winters, further funds had been received from LCC’s reserves. Four teams
are now dealing with the issues and, whereas previously each job had to have a works order prior to
the repair, the current contractors are more flexible in that if they see another job in the area which
requires attention, this can be completed at the same time and the works order organised following
the repair.

5.3 There is a Lincolnshire County Covid/Lockdown Committee which includes the Police and is chaired by Martin Hill, the leader of Lincolnshire County Council. Lincolnshire is currently in the lowest of the three Tiers.

6 Highways - Update on reported issues to Fix My Street – see item 5.2 (Public Forum)

The Chairman had written to County Councillor Mark Whittington regarding the unfinished works in
the village and had recommended the Parish Councillors now report any highways matters such as
overhanging hedges blocking the public footpaths as private individuals. Highways have requested
the Parish Council to raise the matters with landowners directly.

6.1 Roadworks partially blocking driveway at Church View, School Lane – the temporary works had
been resolved but concern was raised if there was heavy rainfall in the future.

6.2 Partially collapsed manhole cover in the grass verge outside Meadowbrook Lodge on Allington
Road. This issue has now been fixed by Anglian Water.

6.3 Collapsed drain outside Camino on Allington Road – standing water was continuing to be an issue – a report had been sent to Highways and action is scheduled. Concern raised by the Vice Chairman as to the length of time it is taking to get the matter resolved – this will be discussed at the “Walkaround” with the County Councillor.

6.4 Visibility restricted on existing footpath no 11/1 onto Village Street – this had been reported to
Highways and the Parish Council were informed by the Senior Countryside Officer that the corner
of the hedge would be generously cut back as soon as possible- this has now been cut back.

6.5 Double Bend Sign on Allington Road – obscured by the hedge – this was being investigated.

6.6 Height Restriction sign for the railway bridge is being obscured by a tree (in the garden of Chestnut Lodge) overhanging the footpath in Village Street – appropriate enforcement action is being taken by LCC.

6.7 Overhanging hedge on Village Street starting to obstruct pedestrians – outside Chestnut Lodge. LCC requested that the Parish Council contact the landowners to request that the overgrown vegetation is removed prior to requesting that LCC consider taking any formal legal enforcement action.

6.8 30 mph sign is being obscured on Allington Road due to an overgrown hedge – this had been reported to LCC and the Parish Council was notified that it does not require urgent action.

6.9 Streetlight obscured outside Chestnut Farm Barns, Village Street – this has been referred to SKDC who are responsible for the streetlight and will advise us according to the location of the tree which is on the residents’ footpath which was put in by the contractors. The Clerk has requested an update on the situation and a reply is awaited from SKDC.

6.10 Cllr Warby had reported a drain on Whattons Close to LCC via Fix My Street.

6.11 Community Speed Watch - the Vice Chairman reported the Community Speed Watch teams were still going out on a rota basis; the equipment is being sanitised before it is used by the next team. Nine people had been caught speeding on Monday 19th.

7 District Councillor Funding is still available for organisations within the District – to request a grant?

Following discussion, the Clerk was requested to contact District Councillor Pamela Bosworth to see if the funding available would be likely to help Sedgebrook Parish Council in the following areas:

1 New sign in the Play Area

2 Some work we need to do in the fabric of the play area and an inspection of trees

3 A type of memorial for the village – see item 11.

Clerk Action: to speak with District Councillor P Bosworth.

8 Recreation Field

8.1 Right of Access to the Recreation Field after checking the Deeds – the Chairman will look out his copy of the Deeds.
Chairman Action: to find his copy of the Deeds.

8.2 Disposal of dog waste bags – the Parish Council were currently unable to get the waste bins emptied in the Recreation Field. However, it was noted that dog owners were picking up not only their own waste bags and also those of other dog owners.

8.3 Playing Field Sign – Cllr Warby was waiting for the printer’s opinion on two different designs for the sign. It was noted that there will be a delay to obtaining a quotation.

8.4 Progress Report for grant ref: CF-1145 – Sedgebrook Play Area Improvements – the Vice Chairman had completed the 2nd year’s Progress Report which had been requested from FCC Communities Foundation (previously known as WREN) as they are required to ensure that the projects they fund remain compliant for a period of time following completion. It was noted that further funding could be available in the future.

9 Tree Management – Risk Assessment

9.1 Annual Inspection – to discuss quotations for an annual inspection and report.

Two quotations had been received and the third company contacted was unable to complete the work so they were unable to give a quotation. One of the companies may have quoted for trees which the Parish Council are not responsible for – photographs of the trees which had been quoted for will be sent to the Clerk. It was noted there was one large tree in the Recreation Field which will need to come down.

Clerk Action: to contact another recommendation and put the item on the next meeting’s agenda.
10 Footpaths

10.1 Footpath linking School Lane to - Village Street – review the issue with motorised scooter and bicycle (travelling at some speed)
Cllr Warby informed the meeting that horses were being led through the field and, with the weather being wet again, the pathway was now very slippery and it was getting churned up. This issue had been brought up last November with the Countryside Officer of LCC.
Clerk Action: to report the matter again to Andy Savage, the Senior Countryside Officer to see what can be done.

11 Memorial for Sedgebrook – for discussion

As the inspection of the trees in the village will have priority, it was resolved to shelve the idea of a memorial for the time being.

12 Finance (The Clerk

12.1 Verification of Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliations – Cllr Denton had continued to verify the bank statements with the Bank Reconciliations via post up to the 5 October 2020. The quarterly accounts as at the 30 September 2020 had also been circulated to the Parish Councillors.

12.2 Further discussion and final agreement on the Budget and Precept for the year ending 31 March 2022 – as only two out of the three quotations for the tree inspection and report were received, it was resolved to make the final agreement on the figure for the Precept application at the next meeting. It was noted that there was one large tree in the Recreation Field which will need to come down.
Clerk action: to add the item to the next meeting’s agenda.

12.3 Payments – Community Cleaner – it was resolved to pay the Community Cleaner up to the 31 October 2020

12.4 Payment – Parish Clerk – it was resolved to pay the Clerk the basic payment up to 31 October 2020

12.5 Payment – to authorise the refund to the Clerk £9.99 for the further supply of 50 face masks purchased by the Clerk and supplied to the Community Cleaner – it was resolved to refund the clerk.

12.6 It was resolved to pay P E Hempstead & Sons £246.12 for September’s grass-cutting.

12.7 It was also resolved to pay LALC for the discounted Zoom subscription to 21 April 2021 of £78.40

12.8 It was resolved to pay HMRC PAYE £31.40 for the quarter ended 30 September 2020

12.9 It was resolved to continue to pay the £35 annual data protection renewal fee.

13 Proposed Meeting dates for next year:

14 January 2021
25 February 2021
8 April 2021
13 May 2021 – Annual Parish Meeting
20 May 2021 – Annual Parish Council Meeting
1 July 2021
2 September 2021
14 October 2021
25 November 2021
Following a short discussion, it was resolved to agree to the proposed dates, although the Councillors were aware of the long-term implications of the current Covid-19 situation.
Clerk Action: to contact the Social Club to see if the dates would be available should we be able to hold our meetings normally.

14 Date of the next “virtual” meeting:

Thursday 26 November 2020

The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.29 hrs.