Minutes - 9 February 2023

Minutes of Sedgebrook Parish Council’s Meeting
held in Sedgebrook Social Club at 7.00 pm on Thursday 9 February 2023

Present: The Chair C Wood, The Vice Chair G Mahoney, Cllr C Warby, Cllr J Denton,  Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer), County Councillor Mark Whittington and one member of the public.

1 Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2 Apologies for absence and reasons given – apologies were received from District Councillor Pam Bosworth.

3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011 – none.

4   Notes of the last meeting held on  23 November 2022
The notes of the last meeting, held on 23 November 2022, were approved as being a true record, and signed by the Chairman.

5 Correspondence
5.1 Lincs County Council sent details of the new Grantham Transport Strategy which will be reviewed by Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee on the 12 December.
5.2 SKDC sent an invitation to drop-in sessions for the Local Government Association’s Model Councillor Code of Conduct in the New Year.
5.3 The Clerk had requested to continue to receive hard copies of the Electoral Register from SKDC.
5.4 A notification of external auditor appointment of PKF Littlejohn as the external auditors for the 5-year period until 2026-27.
5.5 LCC had sent information on carriageway patching works on Sedgebrook Road, Allington – a road closure from 7.30 am to 5.30 pm from 9th January until 13th January with a signed diversion road.    Copies of letters LCC were also being sent to those parishioners affected by the work.
5.6 National Highways had sent a reply to our email regarding the safety of the A52 within the area of Sedgebrook.  (see Highways 7.1)
5.7 The Pensions Regulator had sent information on the compliance duties for re-enrolment/re-declaration as at 1 April 2023.
5.8 SKDC had sent a copy of the South Kesteven Electoral Register for 2023.
5.9 Allington News issues for December 2022/January 2023 and February/March 2023.  Copy deadline for the next issue is 17 March 2023.
5.10 Majestic Trees sent a revised invoice detailing a refund of £180.75 plus Vat regarding the different type of anchor which was required when the hornbeam tree was planted.  A Customer Satisfaction Survey was also sent which had been completed and returned.
5.11 HSBC sent information on product bundling rules.
5.12 LALC had sent their Annual Subscription invoice (£142.53) for 23/24 and Annual Training Subscription £120 (inc Vat).
5.13 Allington Village Hall Management Committee and Parish Council had sent information to obtain the level of interest on lifesaving skills training - this had been circulated by the Village Email.
5.14 A parishioner had sent a list of points/queries relating to the minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting on the 23 November regarding the issue of vehicles parking on pavements.  Chairman Action: to draft out a reply.
5.15 The Internal Auditor had sent the result of the Intermediate Internal Audit for the year ending 31 March 2023.  The Chairman and the Parish Councillors commented that it was an extremely good result.
5.16 SKDC had sent details of the Parish/Town Council Election briefings and nomination packs. The Clerk will attend on the 6 March.
5.17 LCC informed us of a Road Closure Order for the Allington Junction Level Crossing (Allington Lane), East of Sedgebrook from 3 – 5 March  - as this relates to a farm track and not to the general road network it was agreed not to circulate details.
5.18 Letter of thanks sent to Neil McBride Groundworks Ltd for the work completed on The Green.
5.19 The Playground Inspection Company had sent an Order Acknowledgment for next year’s Playground Inspection.

6 Public Forum
No items.
7 Highways  
7.1 General update – a reply from Highways England had been received regarding the Parish Council’s concern about the safety issues on the A52 regarding the number of accidents around the Sedgebrook area.  Highways England stated they do not have any plans to investigate nor make any improvements.  Chairman Action: to organise a letter to circulate to the parishioners via the Village Email.
7.2 The Chair requested the County Councillor to pass on thanks to Rowan Smith, Highways Manager, for the resurfacing work completed on Allington Road.  Cllr Warby reported that the lamp had been replaced on Allington Road following an earlier accident on.  The Vice Chair mentioned that the dyke on Allington Road had not been cleared out – this was in fact a Highways matter.
Cllr Warby requested the County Councillor to pass on her thanks to SKDC for delivering a litter picker so promptly.    The Council have now changed the way you report fly-tipping – it is now What ThreeWords instead of pin-pointing the place on a map.  The County Councillor was also thanked for the Big Clean Team who had done an excellent job in completing a general clean around the village - Cllr Denton said the staff were very polite and were a credit to SKDC.  

8 To consider and approve the quotes received to undertake grass-cutting for a three-year period from March 2023 from  P E Hempstead & Sons,  Emery Grounds and Garden Maintenance UK Ltd - following a discussion, it was resolved to accept P E Hempstead & Sons’ quotation for a three-year contract.
Clerk Action: to inform P E Hempstead & Sons they were successful.  To inform Emery Grounds and Garden Maintenance UK Ltd they were unsuccessful.  To also inform the Social Club of the arrangement.

9 The Green
9.1 Village Green – project on the phone kiosk, tree replacement and flagpole – update – see below.
9.2 Lectern – to decide which one we purchase – to look at quotations/durability of material used – the Clerk had produced a copy of the Lottery Funding Account for the project and it was decided to accept the estimate of £1203.00 (including Vat) from Fitzpatrick Woolmer – a stainless steel lectern with an aluminium graphic panel.  
Vice Chair Action: To contact Fitzpatrick Woolmer to confirm we will be proceeding with the purchase and to request a Proforma Invoice.
Clerk Action: To organise a cheque when the Proforma Invoice is received.
The member of the public had submitted the wording for the panel to the Parish Council.  
Councillors Action: to go through the wording.
The parishioner had a friend who would be able to organise the photographs for the panel and she had found a very clear map from Open Map. Following a discussion regarding the funding, it was agreed to submit the wording and organise the photographs by the parishioner at the meeting, rather than going ahead with the cost of an illustrator producing the artwork.
Vice Chair Action: to inform her contact of the budget of £500 for the digital artwork with only a very small amount of leeway and to explain that we were unable to use the services of the illustrator for the artwork due to the cost.
The Parishioner enquired about what was happening to the tree stump.  The Vice Chair has managed to source a group of carpenters and she will be speaking with them to see what could be carved.
9.3 Position of waste bin on The Green – concern was raised about the smell from the waste bin especially if it was placed adjacent to the lectern.  It was agreed that we wait until the lectern is erected before making a decision.
9.4 Position of bus timetable – there was nothing we can do about the timetable which has been placed on the pole of the bus stop on The Green.
Clerk Action: to take the timetables down from the notice board.
9.5 Planters on the green – to discuss the following:-
9.5.1 Where are the planters are to be positioned? Cllr Denton was concerned that the paving would not be seen if the planters were placed on top of the paving around the flagpole.  It was agreed that if the planters were lifted up, you would be able to see the paving.
9.5.2 When are they to be planted up?  It was agreed that the Vice Chair would let Cllr Denton have the daffodil bulbs which had been lifted-up from The Green while the groundwork was being completed. 2023 – to plant spring flowers (so there are plants for the Coronation) and then bulbs (planted Autumn 2023) for Spring 2024 and then Summer bedding for Summer 2024.   
9.5.3 Where are the costs to be covered from? The plants can be donated.  Compost will be required.
Clerk Action: To check to see if there was any balance remaining from the planter/plant account donation.

10 Recreation Field
The Vice Chair reported that the gate is now shutting easily.  She had completed the play equipment inspection – the Inspection Report was passed to the Clerk for the records.
11 Annual Parish Meeting on the 11 May 2023 – to discuss format/invitations.
It was agreed to continue the format as last year.  It was agreed to invite Kelham Cooke and Richard Davies.
Clerk Action: to send out invitations ASAP.
12 Lincolnshire Parish Councils Community Emergency Groups – request from LCC for latest version of Community Emergency Plan etc to produce an interactive community facing map via the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum website.
Due to so much being dealt with by the Parish Council currently, it was agreed to look at the Emergency Plan in six months time.
Clerk Action: to put this on her bring up.

13 To review the following:-
13.1 Risk Assessment
13.2 Standing Orders – to be adopted at the Annual Parish Council meeting – the document had been  circulated.
Clerk Action: to add the item to the Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda.
13.3 Financial Regulations – to be adopted at the Annual Parish Council meeting – Cllr Denton had read through the proposed Financial Regulations and had given the Clerk a list of items to check to see if the Parish Council was complying.
Clerk Action: to go through the list and report back to Cllr Denton.
13.4 Asset Register – this had been updated and was agreed by the Parish Councillors.
13.5 Model Code of Conduct – update following the Clerk’s attendance at SKDC on the 17 January 2023 – it was resolved to accept the updated Model Code of Conduct and the Code was adopted.
Clerk Action: to upload the policy to the website.
13.6 Records Retention Policy – the review of the policy had been completed and the Parish Councillors   unanimously agreed with the review and the policy was adopted.
Clerk Action: to update the policy on the website.
13.7 Media Policy – the Parish Councillors unanimously accepted the review of the policy and this was adopted.
Clerk Action: to update the policy on the website.
13.8  Child Protection Policy – a review of the policy had been completed and unanimously accepted and then adopted.
Clerk Action: to update the policy on the website.
13.9 Equality & Diversity Policy – the review of the policy was completed – the Parish Councillors  unanimously agreed with the policy and this was adopted.
Clerk Action: to update the policy on the website.
13.10 General Privacy Notice – the notice had been reviewed, accepted and then adopted by the Parish Councillors.
Clerk Action: to update the policy on the website.14 Community Funding for a defibrillator – for discussion – it was noted that the defibrillator was currently working.   It was agreed to leave it as it is as it had recently been serviced and the pads had been renewed.  Dr K Steele is looking after it. The County Councillor mentioned that SKDC have received a portion of the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (the Shared Prosperity Fund) which will be available for various organisations to apply – a small funding was available to apply for up to this year end and it was noted that the funding would be available for the next 2 years.  This may be useful for any small or large projects which Town/Parish Councils have in mind.
15 Barrowby Parish Council – a request to share costs and resources with Sedgebrook’s Community    Speed Watch Group – the request had been passed on. It was noted that, although the Parish Council had supplied the equipment, the Community Speed Watch Group are a separate entity to the Parish Council.
16 Finance (The Clerk)
16.1  Details of income and outgoings since the last meeting as per the bank statements from the 5    November 2022


16.2  Verification of Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliations – the Vice Chair verified the documentation.
16.3  Quarter end accounts as at the 31 December 2022 – the Parish Councillors noted the accounts which had been circulated.
16.4  Payments List for Authorisation – following circulation of copy invoices and authorisation list,  all the payments were authorised by the Parish Councillors.

17 Items for the next meeting?     No items.       
18 Date of the next meeting:  13 April 2023

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55 pm.