Clerk's Notes of SPC Meeting held on 9 January 2025


Present: The Chair G Mahoney, The Vice Chair C Warby, Cllr C Wood, Cllr J Denton, District Councillor Rob Leadenham, and Mrs J Bratton (Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer).

1 Chairman’s Remarks – the Chairman wished everyone a Happy New Year.  Apart from the railway bridge, which is still flooding on a regular basis, thankfully Sedgebrook itself escaped the flooding this week.  She was concerned that Sedgebrook still has a problem with dog fouling on paths and verges. (see item 10 footpaths).  

2 Apologies for absence and reasons given – District Cllr Pam Bosworth and County Councillor Mark Whittington.

3 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda under The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of the Localism Act 2011 – none.

4 Notes of the last meeting  
The notes of the last meeting, held on 4 December 2024, were approved as being a true record following the following amendments: the date of the meeting was held on the 4 December 2024.  The Clerk stated under item 13.6.6 the budget application information should have included the following wording: “It was resolved to approve the budgeted expenditure of £14696, revenue of £1206 and the precept of £13490.” The minutes were then signed by the Chairman.

5 Correspondence
5.1 The Clerk had sent SKDC the precept request for £13490 for the financial year 2025/26.
5.2 District Councillor Rob Leadenham had sent the Lincolnshire Road Safety Report for 2024; this was shared with the Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator.
5.3 HMRC sent details of the reduction in interest rate for the Deposit Account from 1.87% gross to 1.75% gross wef 28 January 2025.
5.4 LALC’s Terms of Engagement for the Internal Auditor provision had been completed     and returned.
5.5 A letter to the Community Cleaner confirming the increase in his hourly rate wef the 1 November 2024.
5.6 Monthly Update Report from SKDC for the Electoral Roll Register.
5.7 Callconnect Christmas and New Year operational times.
5.8 Allington News – December 2024/January 2025 issue.
5.9 Reply from LCC regarding the Freedom of Information request regarding the east and west sides of Village Street/Allington Road.  A further request had been made.
5.10 LALC had sent the Annual Training Scheme Tariff and the Annual Membership fees wef 1.4.2025.

6 Public Forum – None.

7 Dyke/ditch overgrown and full of debris located on the east side of Village Street/Allington Road – a plan had been received from LCC giving details of their adopted highway.  Following discussion, it was agreed that a letter will be sent to Rowan Smith ( LCC’s Highways Manager). Action: Cllr Wood to draft the wording and forward to the Clerk.

8 Highways  
8.1 A52 Safety Meeting – any update? District Councillor Rob Leadenham had written to both Gareth Davies MP and Edward Argar MP to obtain a date for a meeting with County Councillors, and the District Borough Committee to discuss the safety issues on the A52. Representatives of Parish Councils from along the A52 from Barrowby to Bottesford would also be invited.  The meeting will be organised before the current 5-year funding cycle ends in June/July 2025.
8.2 Flooding – following the heavy rainfall on Monday 6 January, Sedgebrook did not flood, and the ditches worked.  The water under the railway bridge did clear much quicker than on previous occasions.  Cllr Denton gave credit to the Chair for her hard work in pursuing the flooding issues.  We do, however, need to understand where the water goes. Action:  Cllr Wood to draft an email to be sent to the County Councillor (with a copy to Rowan Smith, LCC’s Highways Manager).
Three previously flooded properties in Sedgebrook have contaminated sandbags which have been left at the front of their properties and require collection. Clerk Action: to request collection by SKDC.
8.3 – Cllr Denton mentioned the cars which are being sold from the old Bistro forecourt on the A52, The Chair has been approached by two residents who were concerned about the exit visibility from School Lane.  It was agreed that the hedge in the field also restricts exit visibility. Action: The District Councillor to make enquiries.
9 Planning Applications
9.1 None.

10 Footpaths
10.1 Concern was raised with increased dog fouling in the village.  Cllr Denton had drafted strong wording to circulate around the villagers.  It was noted that South Kesteven have new powers for enforcement. Action: District Councillor Rob Leadenham would obtain further information on the new powers and would also look into the possibility of installing a bin near the railway bridge style (this would be emptied by SKDC).  Concern was raised that it could lead to being a dumping ground. Clerk Action: to send details of the areas in the village affected by dog fouling to the District Councillor.
The District Councillor volunteered to print a leaflet to include joint information on items such as Speed Watch, dates for PC meetings, dog fouling etc.  Cllr Warby would circulate the leaflet when the Allington News is delivered to the villagers.  Action: The District Councillor to send a draft to the Clerk.
10.2 Verge opposite the Social Club – problems with parking on the verge was causing problems with access to Abbey Lane.  The Social Club had enquired if the verge could be taken up which would widen the road.  Clerk Action: to inform the Chairman of the Social Club to contact LCC direct with the proposal.

11 The Green – following the exceptional heavy rainfall, a large puddle of water has appeared on The Green.

12 Recreation Field – the work on the trees in the field were due to be completed on the 30 January.  Manor Farm Tree Services will contact the Chair prior to the work being done. If the field is too muddy, the work would be postponed until the summer months.
13 Finance (The Clerk)
13.1 Details of income and outgoings since the last meeting as per the bank statements as at 5 January 2025 – the current account balance b/f on the 5 November was £11882.65.  After paying Cartridge Save, the Clerk and Community Cleaner and two transfers to the deposit account (total £8229.13) the balance to c/f is £3653.52.  The balance of the deposit account is £25607.87 (this includes £3973.34 of General Reserves).  The District Councillor stated good reserves are required as, following devolution, more responsibilities will be transferred to Parish Councils.   It was pointed out to District Councillor Rob Leadenham that the funds on our Deposit Account, less the General Reserve and bank interest, were ring-fenced for future play equipment.
13.2 Quarterly accounts as at the 31 December 2024 – revised budget figures to discuss.  The Clerk had circulated the quarterly Summary Receipts and Payments.  Clerk Action: to upload to the website.  The budget figures had also been revised – the grass cutting budget was increased from ££1700 to £1800 to allow for the first cut of the season.  Insurance and Audit payments were increased from £644 to £673. Office expenses were reduced from £644 to £450.  The revised budget was unanimously agreed.  Clerk Action: to circulate the final figures and upload them to the website.
13.3 Verification of Bank Statements/Bank Reconciliations – the documentation was verified by Cllr Jane Denton.
13.4 To discuss original and revised quotations for the repair of the seesaw – a quotation to break out and reset the seesaw and to repair the existing surfacing was £1569.22 (including VAT).  KOMPAN had not replied following our request for further clarification.  Action: Chair to ring KOMPAN if a reply is not received next week.
13.5 Defibrillator – replacement pads/battery - it was unanimously agreed to order the defibrillator replacement parts pack with one electrode at £157 plus Vat.  Clerk Action: to order the parts ASAP to take advantage of the 50% discount.
13.6 LALC’s Annual Subscription and Annual Training Scheme – it was unanimously agreed to renew the annual subscription of £156.20 for 277 electorate .together with the Annual Training Scheme for £120 plus Vat.  These will be paid on the 1 April 2025 for the year end 31 March 2026.
13.7 List of Software – the software required for the Parish Council would be Microsoft 365 and some anti-virus software (this can be free).  Clerk Action: to diarise this for the YE 31 March 2027 budget.  A laptop (and printer) will also be budgeted for.  
13.8 Payments List for Authorisation







Community Cleaner

Pay for December

 £109.20 plus back pay = £114.40




Pay for December

 £445.20 +backpay + £27.00 allow.  = £623.40





Quarter End 31 Dec 2024



Cartridge Save Ltd





 Community Cleaner

Pay for January

Basic pay £109.20




Pay for January

£445.20 + £27.00 light/heat/internet


14 Items for the next meeting – Annual Parish Meeting – it was noted that the date proposed for the Annual Parish Meeting falls on the 80th Anniversary of VE Day.  It was unanimously agreed to move the date from the 8 May to the 15 May and move the Annual Parish Council Meeting to the 22 May 2025.  Clerk Action: to request the change of dates to the Social Club Booking Secretary.

15 Date of the next meeting:- 13 March 2025